Live Blog / Arrived

A song by the “Plum Village Band”, in dedication to Thay.

“Arrived” is born from the deep insights of the late Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, who teaches that our true home is not our place of birth, our country, or four walls and a roof, but can be found in our own body and feelings, in the very here and now. We may have spent our whole life seeking happiness, love and a sense of validation in external accomplishments, in relationships or the accumulation of possessions. As a result, we are always running — running towards getting something in the future to help us feel more whole.

But if we stop running, and instead allow ourselves to arrive, settling into the present moment, becoming aware of our body and mind, then we have a chance to discover our true home, in the here and the now. “Arrived” portrays the narrative of self-exploration, the struggles faced along the way, and ultimately, the fulfillment and peace that comes with finding our true self. The song tells the story of the journey from uncertainty and endless searching to having arrived—the moment we discover our true home in the present.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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