De pagina's over Thich Nhat Hanh zijn beschikbaar in het Nederlands, de rest van de website in het Engels.
Meer Nederlandstalige informatie over de Plum Village traditie vind je bij Leven in Aandacht.

Days of Mindfulness

You are welcome to join us for Days of Mindfulness. These days offer a small taste of Plum Village mindfulness practice. If you are travelling from further afield, we recommend that you stay with us for at least a weeklong retreat, so you can have a complete introduction to...

Een open brief die oproept tot vrede

Beste menselijke familie, Terwijl we toekijken hoe de tragedie van de oorlog zich dagelijks blijft ontvouwen in Oekraïne, openen we ons hart voor het lijden van mensen van jong tot oud. Als een internationale gemeenschap van geëngageerd boeddhisme in de Plum Village-traditie, kijken we naar de oorlog met pijn...

Plum Village

Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is the largest international practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in the West. Plum Village is where Thay has realised his dream of building a Beloved Community: creating a healthy, nourishing environment...

Our Hamlets

Plum Village, France is actually composed of three separate monasteries, called “hamlets”. The hamlets are self-contained communities where the monastics and lay practitioners live, eat, practice, work and relax as a spiritual family. All three hamlets come together at least twice a week (on Thursdays and Sundays in the Spring,...

Plum Village Practice Centers

The eleven practice centers and monasteries listed below all practice in the Plum Village tradition and under the direct guidance of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Our centers are open throughout the year, for short or long stays, to learn the art of mindful living. Blue Cliff Monastery, New York Nestled on 80 peaceful...

Extended Stay

Plum Village is a Buddhist monastery, where both monastics and lay people train in the art of mindful living. The only permanent residents of our community are nuns and monks, but we offer mindfulness retreats year-round, ranging from one week to as long as three months for the Monastic...

Extended Practices

Waking Up As we wake up in the morning and open our eyes we may like to recite the following gatha. Waking up this morning I smileknowing there are 24 brand new hours before me.I vow to live fully in each moment,and look at beings with eyes of compassion....

The Art of Mindful Living

Thich Nhat Hanh has been a pioneer bringing mindfulness in the West since the early 1970s, developing new ways to apply ancient wisdom to the challenges of modern life. Mindfulness is a kind of energy that we generate when we bring our mind back to our body and get...

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Mindfulness Trainings have their root in the Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into every area of life. Rather than hard and fast rules, they offer us a path to cultivate and...

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings are a modern distillation of the traditional Bodhisattva precepts of Mahayana Buddhism, and were created by Thich Nhat Hanh in Saigon in 1966. Monastics and lay friends who have made a vow in a formal ceremony, to receive, study and observe these fourteen trainings are known as “Members of the Order of...

Mindfulness Apps

The Plum Village App allows us to take Plum Village with us wherever we go. We also suggest other meditation apps which can support our mindfulness practice.


Everyone who comes to practice is a member of the sangha. Even if we come to Plum Village for only one week, our presence and our practice can contribute to the vitality and harmony of the sangha. In society, much of our suffering comes from feeling disconnected from one...

Find a local group

A community of Buddhist practitioners is referred to as a “sangha”.(Sanskrit for inseparable)A sangha can include both monastics and lay practitioners. As the third jewel of Buddhism, Sanghas offer a deep well of support and wisdom. We encourage everyone to join a sangha near you, or participate in activities...

Wake Up network (young adults)

Wake Up is an active global community of young mindfulness practitioners, aged 18-35, inspired by the teachings of Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. We come together to practice mindfulness in order to take care of ourselves, nourish happiness and contribute to building a healthier and a...

Wake Up Schools – mindfulness in education

Wake Up Schools supports educators to bring the practices of mindfulness and applied ethics into their own lives so they may be happy and free, and so they may in turn share these practices with colleagues and students in their school communities. With mindfulness teachers and students can experience...

The Order of Interbeing

The Order of Interbeing, Tiep Hien in Vietnamese, is a community of monastics and lay people who have committed to living their lives in accord with the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings, a distillation of the Bodhisattva (Enlightened Being) teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. View Page Established by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh...

The Organic Happy Farms

Plum Village has started three small, diversified, organic vegetable farms: one in the Upper Hamlet (with the monks and lay men), one in the Lower Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women) and one in the New Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women). You are a gardener, and you have...

The Mindfulness Bell

The Mindfulness Bell is a journal of the art of mindful living. It is an inspiration and teaching resource for those practicing mindfulness in daily life. Each issue features a teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. Also included are stories and teachings by teachers and students in this lineage, based...

Introductie tot de crematie ceremonie

De afgelopen dagen hebben we de live streams vanuit Plum Village in Frankrijk kunnen volgen, waar we hebben kunnen genieten van gezamenlijke meditaties, ceremonies, lezingen en delen. We zijn heel dankbaar voor deze manier van beoefenen en herdenken die we van Thay overgedragen hebben gekregen en die ons helpt...

Dankbaarheid voor Thich Nhat Hanh

Plaats hieronder je herinneringen aan het horen van Thay’s lezingen, het bijwonen van zijn retraites, of gewoon hoe zijn lesgeven en schrijven je leven hebben beïnvloed. Bent je in staat geweest een relatie te verzoenen of een moeilijkheid te transformeren? Heeft hij je geïnspireerd tot actie in vredeswerk, sociale...

Beoefening ter nagedachtenis aan onze leraar

Een selectie van recitaties, lezingen, lezingen, liederen, kalligrafieën & foto’s, om je beoefening thuis of met een lokale sangha te ondersteunen, terwijl we de energie van mindfulness en compassie opwekken ter nagedachtenis aan onze leraar Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay). Je bent ook van harte uitgenodigd deel te nemen aan...

Herdenkingsweek voor Thich Nhat Hanh

Hieronder kun je de plechtigheden terugkijken die tijdens de herdenkingsweek zijn gehouden in de Từ Hiếu Tempel in Huế, Vietnam en in Plum Village, Frankrijk. De uitvaart van Thay op zaterdag 29 januari 2022 was een van de grootste die Huế, Vietnam in decennia heeft gezien. Duizenden liepen uit...

Zenmeester Thich Nhat Hanh

Biografie in 20 pagina’s Zen Meester Thich Nhat Hanh is een wereldwijde spirituele leider, dichter en vredesactivist, bekend om zijn krachtige leerstellingen en populaire geschriften over mindfulness en vrede. Ook beschikbaar: korter verslag van Thich Nhat Hanh’s leven De redacteur geeft de volgende uitleg over namen: Thích Nhất Hạnh...

Thich Nhat Hanh, 11/10/1926–22/01/2022

Vanmorgen, 22 januari 2022 is Thay, Zen Meester Thich Nhat Hanh, vredig heengegaan in de Từ Hiếu Tempel in Huế, Vietnam, op 95 jarige leeftijd. Direct naar Het leven van Thich Nhat Hanh Live blog (Engels) Herdenkingsdiensten Beoefening ter herdenking Diensten wereldwijd (Engels) Deel je dankbaarheid Bronnen voor pers...


Met een diepe, aandachtige ademhaling kondigen we aan dat op 22 januari 2022 Thay, Zen Meester Thich Nhat Hanh, vredig is heengegaan in de Từ Hiếu Tempel in Huế, Vietnam, op 95 jarige leeftijd. Herdenk zijn leven en nalatenschap met ons online in een week van beoefening en ceremonies....

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Verbergen Transcriptie

What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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