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Thich Nhat Hanh’s Zen calligraphies have been exhibited in North America, Europe and Asia. These eloquent ink artworks capture his insights, peace, and gentle compassion. In my calligraphy, there is ink, tea, breathing, mindfulness and concentration. This is meditation. This is not work. Suppose I write ‘breathe’; I am...

Key Teachings

Thich Nhat Hanh’s pioneering teachings on mindfulness, “interbeing” and engaged ethics have opened new ways forward for meditators, peace-makers, activists, educators, business people and politicians around the world.  Mindfulness Thich Nhat Hanh began teaching mindfulness in the West in the early 1970s. His 1975 book The Miracle of Mindfulness...

Plum Village Practice Centers

The eleven practice centers and monasteries listed below all practice in the Plum Village tradition and under the direct guidance of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Our centers are open throughout the year, for short or long stays, to learn the art of mindful living.

Extended Stay

Plum Village is a Buddhist monastery, where both monastics and lay people train in the art of mindful living. The only permanent residents of our community are nuns and monks, but we offer mindfulness retreats year-round, ranging from one week to as long as three months for the Monastic...

Extended Practices

Waking Up As we wake up in the morning and open our eyes we may like to recite the following gatha. Waking up this morning I smileknowing there are 24 brand new hours before me.I vow to live fully in each moment,and look at beings with eyes of compassion....

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Mindfulness Trainings have their root in the Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into every area of life. Rather than hard and fast rules, they offer us a path to cultivate and...

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings are a modern distillation of the traditional Bodhisattva precepts of Mahayana Buddhism, and were created by Thich Nhat Hanh in Saigon in 1966. Monastics and lay friends who have made a vow in a formal ceremony, to receive, study and observe these fourteen trainings are known as “Members of the Order of...

Mindfulness Apps

The Plum Village App allows us to take Plum Village with us wherever we go. We also suggest other meditation apps which can support our mindfulness practice.

Wake Up network (young adults)

Wake Up is an active global community of young mindfulness practitioners, aged 18-35, inspired by the teachings of Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. We come together to practice mindfulness in order to take care of ourselves, nourish happiness and contribute to building a healthier and a...

The Organic Happy Farms

Plum Village has started three small, diversified, organic vegetable farms: one in the Upper Hamlet (with the monks and lay men), one in the Lower Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women) and one in the New Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women). You are a gardener, and you have...

The Mindfulness Bell

The Mindfulness Bell is a journal of the art of mindful living. It is an inspiration and teaching resource for those practicing mindfulness in daily life. Each issue features a teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. Also included are stories and teachings by teachers and students in this lineage, based...

추모 의식 자료 모음

엄선된 찬불가, 명상, 가르침, 읽을 자료, 음악, 서예작품과 사진 등 집과 지역 상가에서 수행할 여러분을 도울 수 있는 자료들입니다. 우리는 마음다함(mindfulness)과 자비의 힘을 담아 우리의 스승이신 틱낫한 스님(Thay, 타이)를 추억할 수 있습니다. 공동체적 힘을 모아, 베트남 후에와 프랑스 플럼빌리지에서 진행되고 있는 8일 간의 영결식에 온라인으로 참여하세요. 집에서 추모의식 수행하기...

틱낫한 큰스님께 감사 메시지 나누기

혹시 플럼 빌리지 수련회에서, 아니면 책이나 법문 영상을 통해 틱낫한 큰스님의 가르침을 접하신 적이 있나요? 스님의 가르침이 당신의 삶에 영향을 준 적이 있나요? 스님께 감사의 마음의 표하고 싶은가요? 가족이나 친구관계를 수행을 통해 개선하신 적 있나요? 틱낫한 큰스님의 가르침이 여러분의 평화운동, 사회 정의 구현, 생태 윤리학, 교육, 공동체 구현 등에...

Blue Cliff Monastery

Nestled on 80 peaceful acres of woodland in the southern Catskill region about two hours northwest of New York City, Blue Cliff Monastery is home to a thriving community of over thirty monastic and lay practitioners who share the art of mindful living with thousands of adults and children every...


The EIAB is the first Institute of Applied Buddhism founded by Thich Nhat Hanh, in 2008. The EIAB's large campus is situated on the edge of the small town of Waldbröl, Germany, about an hour from Cologne, amid rolling fields and magnificent pine forests.

Healing Spring Monastery

Healing Spring Monastery (Monastère de la Source Guérissante), is a new Plum Village practice center that opened its doors in 2018. It is a charming rural refuge, located in Verdelot in the countryside east of Paris. The buildings were once a 19th Century convent.

Plum Village France

Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is the largest international practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first residential community to be founded by Thich Nhat Hanh in the West.

Thay travels to Bangkok for health check-ups

1st December, 2019 Dear Beloved Community, We’re happy to announce that on Thursday 28th November, Thay traveled from Huế, Vietnam to Bangkok, Thailand for a full medical check-up in Bangkok. The trip and hospital visit went smoothly. Yesterday morning, Thay decided to travel on to visit our community at...

Thich Nhat Hanh turns 93

Dear Beloved Community, We are very happy to share that today Thay has been celebrating his 93rd birthday at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, his “Root Temple” where he first entered the monkhood aged sixteen.  Over the last few days, Thay’s monastic students from across Vietnam have been...


Arrival and departure Arrival and departure days vary depending on the season. Please arrive before 6pm so you do not miss the first orientation at 7:30pm. To co-create the calm and stable energy of our retreats, please arrive only on the specified Arrival Day. Departure time is between 7am-12 noon on Departure...

Key Books

Thich Nhat Hanh has published over 100 titles in English, ranging from classic manuals on meditation, mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism, to poems, children’s stories, and commentaries on ancient Buddhist texts. They capture the Zen Master’s lifetime of teaching, scholarship, creativity and spiritual discovery.  Where to start Since Thich Nhat...

Thay’s 92nd Birthday

As we celebrate Thay’s 92nd continuation day on 11th October, we'd like to take this opportunity to share with you how our beloved Teacher has been doing in Thailand.

Privacy Policy

At CBZ Village des Pruniers, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Policy explains when and why we collect personal information about people who visit our website, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep it secure....

Report on Thay’s progress in San Francisco

We are happy to be able to share that Thay is benefitting from the best of Western, Eastern, conventional, and alternative medical approaches. Thay is receiving acupuncture every day, as well as physical therapy, speech therapy, osteopathy, and neurofeedback, with the support and oversight of a phenomenal team of...

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숨김 기록

What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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