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Days of Mindfulness

You are welcome to join us for Days of Mindfulness. These days offer a small taste of Plum Village mindfulness practice. If you are travelling from further afield, we recommend that you stay with us for at least a weeklong retreat, so you can have a complete introduction to...

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Mindfulness Trainings have their root in the Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into every area of life. Rather than hard and fast rules, they offer us a path to cultivate and...

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings are a modern distillation of the traditional Bodhisattva precepts of Mahayana Buddhism, and were created by Thich Nhat Hanh in Saigon in 1966. Monastics and lay friends who have made a vow in a formal ceremony, to receive, study and observe these fourteen trainings are known as “Members of the Order of...

Mindfulness Apps

The Plum Village App allows us to take Plum Village with us wherever we go. We also suggest other meditation apps which can support our mindfulness practice.

Find a local group

A community of Buddhist practitioners is referred to as a “sangha”.(Sanskrit for inseparable)A sangha can include both monastics and lay practitioners. As the third jewel of Buddhism, Sanghas offer a deep well of support and wisdom. We encourage everyone to join a sangha near you, or participate in activities...

Wake Up network (young adults)

Wake Up is an active global community of young mindfulness practitioners, aged 18-35, inspired by the teachings of Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. We come together to practice mindfulness in order to take care of ourselves, nourish happiness and contribute to building a healthier and a...

The Order of Interbeing

The Order of Interbeing, Tiep Hien in Vietnamese, is a community of monastics and lay people who have committed to living their lives in accord with the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings, a distillation of the Bodhisattva (Enlightened Being) teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. View Page Established by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh...

The Mindfulness Bell

The Mindfulness Bell is a journal of the art of mindful living. It is an inspiration and teaching resource for those practicing mindfulness in daily life. Each issue features a teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. Also included are stories and teachings by teachers and students in this lineage, based...

Live Events & Streams

Follow live-streamed meditations, talks, and other events happening around the world. Please click here to see our online retreats.

Dharma Teachers

Here are profiles of our senior Dharma Teachers who regularly offer teachings at Plum Village France. Becoming a Dharma Teacher Dharma Teachers (Dharmachāryas) are members of the community who have been selected as teachers because they have extensive spiritual practice and the prerequisites for a happy life. Zen Master...

About Plum Village Retreats

This page describes in-person retreats at Plum Village, France. You can also experience a Plum Village retreat in our other international monastic practice centers and when Plum Village monastics go on tour. The art of mindful living Coming to Plum Village for a retreat is an opportunity to enjoy...

플럼 빌리지

프랑스 남서부 보르도 근처에 있는 플럼 빌리지는, 플럼 빌리지 전통의 수행 센터들 중 가장 큰 국제 수행 센터입니다. 플럼 빌리지는 틱낫한 스님 (타이, Thay, 베트남어로 스승을 뜻함)께서 세우신 최초의 승가 공동체입니다. 플럼 빌리지는 타이께서 사랑하는 공동체를 구축하고자 하시던 꿈을 마침내 실현한 곳입니다. (모든 이들이 스스로와, 서로와, 지구와 조화롭게 살아가는...

Becoming a Monastic

Information on joining the international monastics community either with a lifetime commitment or through the “Five-Year Program”. Becoming a Monastic Creating an engaged, international monastic community present all over the world, was one of our teacher Thay’s dearest dreams.  Those with a sincere aspiration to cultivate understanding and compassion...

Five-Year Monastic Training

When we train as a monastic we have the opportunity to find the root of our freedom, solidity, joy and happiness, and to help our society. When we ordain and wear the brown robe we learn to cut through our illusions and our afflictions. We learn to transform our...

Contact Us

Here at Plum Village we receive many more emails than the monks and nuns have the capacity to respond to. We try our best to reply in a timely way, and would like to thank you for your patience and compassion. For Plum Village’s various postal addresses and phone...


플럼 빌리지에 수행하러 오신 모든 분들이 바로 상가의 일원입니다. 플럼 빌리지에 단 일주일만 머물렀다 할지라도, 상가의 화합과 성장에 기여하신 것과 다름없습니다. 우리가 사회에서 겪는 대부분의 고통은 단절되었다는 느낌에서 옵니다. 이웃, 직장 동료, 심지와 가족과 같이 가까운 이들과도 진정한 유대감을 느끼지 못하는 경우가 많은데요. 개인주의가 심화되고, 서로 연결되어있다는 소속감을 느끼지...

마음챙김 수행

틱낫한 큰스님(Thich Nhat Hanh)은 1970년대 초부터 서양에서 마음챙김(Mindfulness, 마인드풀니스, 마음다함, 등으로 번역) 수행을 도입한 선구자로, 부처님 시대의 지혜를 현대 생활에 적용하는 새로운 수행방식을 제시했습니다. 마음챙김이란 에너지의 일종입니다. 우리의 주의를 몸으로 돌려, 지금 이 순간 내면과 주변과의 진정한 접촉을 할 때 마음챙김의 힘을 생성할 수 있습니다. 우리는 자신의 숨을 알아차리고,...

Bat Nha: Magical Sound of the Sitar

Thay is continuing to write a letter to you from the hermitage Thach Lang in Blue Cliff Monastery. It is October 13th, 2009. Thay just came back from New York. In New York, Thay and the Sangha guided two days of practice for over 2000 American practitioners in the...

Bat Nha: Diamond Body

Blue Cliff, October 7th, 2009 To my Bat Nha Children, I write “my Bat Nha children” and not “my children in Bat Nha” as I had done before, because even though you are not living in Bat Nha anymore, you continue to carry the name of the Bat Nha...

A Young Monastic’s Dream

My dear students, near and far, In the Daily Chanting book, there is a chant that I really liked when I was a novice. The prose of this piece is very beautiful, and its content has a great capacity to nourish the aspiration of monastics. Every time the novice...

Seeing Thay in the Sangha

This letter was written by Thay in 2009, after he was urgently hospitalized with a serious lung infection, in the middle of a 3-month U.S. Tour. About 900 people had gathered in at the YMCA campus in Estes Park, Colorado, for a 5-day retreat that he would lead. However,...

Thay Misses The Sangha

Dear Friends and Co-practitioners at the Retreat One Buddha is Not Enough, Estes Park, CO. My dear friends, I am writing to you from the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. I know the Sangha has manifested today in Estes Park. I miss the Reterat. I miss the beautiful setting...

The Mountain Cliff Robe

European Institute of Applied Buddhism Waldbroel, Germany 2009 Last night while sleeping here Thầy had a dream. He saw that he was climbing a mountain with the Buddha and with little Hải Triều Âm (Sound of the Rising Tide). At that time, it was about 2 am in the...

Sitting Still, Imperturbable

Sitting Still Hut, Upper Hamlet, Plum Village July 20, 2009 To my students in Bat Nha, Tu Hieu and everywhere, Thay is sitting at “Sitting Still Hut,” in the Upper Hamlet of Plum Village while writing this letter to you.  The Summer Retreat in Plum Village is very joyful...

The Toadskin Hut and Paths of Legend

Thay wrote this end-of-year letter addressed to all of his students about the Toadskin Hut, the hermit of Still Sitting Hut, walking meditation paths that have become legendary, and the new young Dharma Teachers in Plum Village.   Still Sitting Hut, Plum Village Upper Hamlet, France December 5, 2008 There is sunshine in Upper...

Letter to Tommy in Prison

Thay replies to a prisoner who wrote to him sharing about his mindfulness practice. He asked for Thay's advice on how to handle his strong emotions when violently provoked and challenged by other prisoners.

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숨김 기록

What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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