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The Art of Mindful Living

Thich Nhat Hanh has been a pioneer bringing mindfulness in the West since the early 1970s, developing new ways to apply ancient wisdom to the challenges of modern life. Mindfulness is a kind of energy that we generate when we bring our mind back to our body and get...

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Mindfulness Trainings have their root in the Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into every area of life. Rather than hard and fast rules, they offer us a path to cultivate and...

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings are a modern distillation of the traditional Bodhisattva precepts of Mahayana Buddhism, and were created by Thich Nhat Hanh in Saigon in 1966. Monastics and lay friends who have made a vow in a formal ceremony, to receive, study and observe these fourteen trainings are known as “Members of the Order of...

The Organic Happy Farms

Plum Village has started three small, diversified, organic vegetable farms: one in the Upper Hamlet (with the monks and lay men), one in the Lower Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women) and one in the New Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women). You are a gardener, and you have...

The Mindfulness Bell

The Mindfulness Bell is a journal of the art of mindful living. It is an inspiration and teaching resource for those practicing mindfulness in daily life. Each issue features a teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. Also included are stories and teachings by teachers and students in this lineage, based...

The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975)

In 1966 Thich Nhat Hanh was exiled for daring to travel to the West to call for peace. He was cut off from his community back in Vietnam, unable to return. He wrote “The Miracle of Mindfulness” (“Phép Lạ Của Sự Tỉnh Thức”) in 1975, as a manual for...

The Art of Communicating

Thich Nhat Hanh states: ‘Loneliness is the suffering of our time. Even if we’re surrounded by others, we can feel very alone. We are lonely together.’ He explains how technology supplies us with many ways to help us stay connected – such as the Internet, e-mail, video conferencing, texting,...

The Mindfulness Survival Kit

The Five Mindfulness Trainings — not to kill, steal, commit adultery, lie, or take intoxicants—are the basic statement of ethics and morality in Buddhism. Thich Nhat Hanh calls the trainings a “diet for a mindful society.” With this book he offers a Buddhist contribution to the current thinking on...

Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe

Artist Logan Payne has created a portable altar in a new and imaginative way by combining her unique vision with a guided meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh. The resulting set contains a six-panel fold-out altar bearing the words of the guided meditation; a CD recording of the meditation; and...

Keeping the Peace

Keeping the Peacespeaks to all of us who work in difficult, people-oriented jobs and shows us how to turn environments that are often filled with anger, stress, and frustration into islands of peace. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh creates a revolutionary definition of public service that includes all of...

The Sun My Heart

The Sun My Heart is one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s most beloved books. It was written as a sequel to Miracle of Mindfulness and contains the journey, on the path of everyday practice, from mindfulness to insight in an informational, conversational manner. Using the objects and events of everyday...

The Energy of Prayer

In The Energy of Prayer Thich Nhat Hanh looks at the applications and effectiveness of prayer in Buddhist and other spiritual traditions and closely examines the question of why we pray. The Energy of Prayer introduces the reader to several meditation methods that re-envision prayer as an open, inclusive,...

The Diamond That Cuts Through Illusion

The Diamond Sutra, a mainstay of the Mahayana tradition, has fascinated Buddhists for centuries because of its insights into dualism and illusion: the “diamond” can cut through any obstacle on the road to enlightenment. It offers us alternative ways to look at the world in its wholeness so we...

Calming the Fearful Mind

In a time of terrorism and uncertainty, how can any of us feel truly safe? Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh looks at the real roots of terrorism and fear and offers the way out: a path of compassion and open-heartedness. With clarity and gentleness, Nhat Hanh offers step-by-step instructions...

Happy Teachers Change the World

Happy Teachers Change the World is the first official, authoritative manual of the Thich Nhat Hanh/Plum Village approach to mindfulness in education. Spanning the whole range of schools and grade levels, from preschool through higher education, these techniques are grounded in the everyday world of schools, colleges, and universities....

Thich Nhat Hanh’s statement on Climate Change for the United Nations

In 2014, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) approached Thich Nhat Hanh as an international faith leader, to request a brief statement about climate change and our relationship to one another and to the Earth. This statement was published on the UNFCCC website, ahead of the Paris Climate Summit...

Connecting to Our Root Teacher, the Buddha

Thay wrote this letter in autumn 2014, as his health was weakening. He teaches us how to keep our practice authentic and alive, and see the Buddha not as a God, but as our very own "root teacher", our soul-mate.

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Verbergen Transcriptie

What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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