De pagina's over Thich Nhat Hanh zijn beschikbaar in het Nederlands, de rest van de website in het Engels.
Meer Nederlandstalige informatie over de Plum Village traditie vind je bij Leven in Aandacht.

New England Gathering

This group is an opportunity for people living in the New England States to come together to support our meditation practice and explore issues of sustainability, farming/gardening and the environment around the region as a catalyst for change and peace.


For those who identify as Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) to connect and share.

Young People / Wake Up

For those 35 and under and / or part of the Wake Up – a global community of young mindfulness practitioners inspired by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.


For those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or in any other way, to connect and share.

Long-time Practitioner

For long-time practitioners of the Plum Village tradition or other Buddhist tradition, for having conversations on how the course can have a deep impact on yourself in terms of your practices.

Right Livelihood

A space for those who work in climate, biodiversity, nature, sustainability, and related fields, or for those considering their personal impact and searching for new inspiration

Zen-Balanced Aging

Embracing impermanence and caring for our aging bodies can help transform fear of death into love for all beings. Let’s explore how we can make the second half or third third of our lives a phase of meaningful service to all living beings and the Earth.

Teachers and Educators

For teachers and educators who would like to share their hopes, challenges and experiences with the practice in educational spaces


A space for people who have been involved in climate justice, social justice or peace activism


A space for neurospicy brains: ADHD, Autism, AuDHD and beyond. All spicy brains are welcome, no matter the flavour!

Creatives and Artists

A group for people interested in exploring how creativity (of any kind) can help us connect to ourselves and others, and take mindful action

Meditation Hall

An open space to self-organize times to practice sitting together.

New to Zen Practice

For those who are new to the perspectives or practices of Zen (Buddhism) and would like to discuss the practice.


For everyone who feels deeply connected with Mother Earth, all living and non-living beings, and is looking for a community-based life (English)


Lovers of Mother Earth who want to express themselves and are curious to explore and integrate the practice into their creativity. All walks of life welcome!


For location-independent, long-term travellers and those frequently on the move—whether for work or personal pursuits


What can old people offer in caring for the planet ?

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Verbergen Transcriptie

What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

00:00 / 00:00
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