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Meer Nederlandstalige informatie over de Plum Village traditie vind je bij Leven in Aandacht.

Mount Kenya

For practitioners in Africa and beyond

Een open brief die oproept tot vrede

Beste menselijke familie, Terwijl we toekijken hoe de tragedie van de oorlog zich dagelijks blijft ontvouwen in Oekraïne, openen we ons hart voor het lijden van mensen van jong tot oud. Als een internationale gemeenschap van geëngageerd boeddhisme in de Plum Village-traditie, kijken we naar de oorlog met pijn...

Plum Village

Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is the largest international practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in the West. Plum Village is where Thay has realised his dream of building a Beloved Community: creating a healthy, nourishing environment...

Our Hamlets

Plum Village, France is actually composed of three separate monasteries, called “hamlets”. The hamlets are self-contained communities where the monastics and lay practitioners live, eat, practice, work and relax as a spiritual family. All three hamlets come together at least twice a week (on Thursdays and Sundays in the Spring,...

Plum Village Practice Centers

The eleven practice centers and monasteries listed below all practice in the Plum Village tradition and under the direct guidance of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Our centers are open throughout the year, for short or long stays, to learn the art of mindful living.

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Mindfulness Trainings have their root in the Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into every area of life. Rather than hard and fast rules, they offer us a path to cultivate and...

Thich Nhat Hanh, 11/10/1926–22/01/2022

Vanmorgen, 22 januari 2022 is Thay, Zen Meester Thich Nhat Hanh, vredig heengegaan in de Từ Hiếu Tempel in Huế, Vietnam, op 95 jarige leeftijd. Direct naar Het leven van Thich Nhat Hanh Live blog (Engels) Herdenkingsdiensten Beoefening ter herdenking Diensten wereldwijd (Engels) Deel je dankbaarheid Bronnen voor pers...

Het heengaan van zuster Lan Nghiem

Lieve spirituele familie, Met grote spijt maken we bekend dat onze lieve Nederlandse zuster, zuster Lan Nghiem vredig is overleden op 69-jarige leeftijd, op 1 december 2020 in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village, Frankrijk. Medio 2020 werd bij haar de diagnose kanker in een vergevorderd stadium gesteld en de laatste...

Update over Thầy in Huế, September 2020

Update, dinsdag 6 oktober: We zijn blij te kunnen bevestigen dat de gezondheid van Thay op dit moment stabiel blijft, dankzij de liefde en de zorg van zijn medisch team en de kloosterlingen. Er is geen onmiddellijke reden tot bezorgdheid. De oudere broeders die vanuit de internationale centra van...

Healing Spring Monastery

Healing Spring Monastery (Monastère de la Source Guérissante), is a new Plum Village practice center that opened its doors in 2018. It is a charming rural refuge, located in Verdelot in the countryside east of Paris. The buildings were once a 19th Century convent.

Thay travels to Bangkok for health check-ups

1st December, 2019 Dear Beloved Community, We’re happy to announce that on Thursday 28th November, Thay traveled from Huế, Vietnam to Bangkok, Thailand for a full medical check-up in Bangkok. The trip and hospital visit went smoothly. Yesterday morning, Thay decided to travel on to visit our community at...

Thich Nhat Hanh turns 93

Dear Beloved Community, We are very happy to share that today Thay has been celebrating his 93rd birthday at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, his “Root Temple” where he first entered the monkhood aged sixteen.  Over the last few days, Thay’s monastic students from across Vietnam have been...

Thay’s 92nd Birthday

As we celebrate Thay’s 92nd continuation day on 11th October, we'd like to take this opportunity to share with you how our beloved Teacher has been doing in Thailand.

Sister Chan Khong on Thich Nhat Hanh: He’s Getting Stronger Every Day

Sister Chan Khong brings us up to date on Thich Nhat Hanh’s health and the future of his teachings and community ( Photo by Paul Davis   Melvin McLeod: Following his stroke three years ago, Thich Nhat Hanh is now resting and recovering at Plum Village in Thailand. How...

Thay visits Vietnam for a few days

We are very happy to confirm that earlier today, 29th August 2017, at 12h35 local time, our dear Teacher landed safely at Đà Nẵng airport in Vietnam. This is his first visit to Vietnam since 2008.

Thay returns to France

Thay has decided to return to Plum Village, France to be with his spiritual community after six months of steady progress in San Francisco.

Report on Thay’s progress in San Francisco

We are happy to be able to share that Thay is benefitting from the best of Western, Eastern, conventional, and alternative medical approaches. Thay is receiving acupuncture every day, as well as physical therapy, speech therapy, osteopathy, and neurofeedback, with the support and oversight of a phenomenal team of...

Thay has travelled to San Francisco for treatment

Thay has been able to communicate more clearly a very strong wish to intensify his recovery program. Thay is very determined to do everything possible to recover both his physical movement and speech. After many options were presented to Thay, he made a clear decision to travel to the...

Thay’s recovery continues in Plum Village

We are happy to report that Thay's health has improved greatly since he returned from hospital to his Plum Village Hermitage in early April. Every day Thay has been out in nature, enjoying the blossoms, listening to the birds and resting at the foot of a tree. Thay enjoys...

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Verbergen Transcriptie

What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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