Die neun unten aufgeführten monastischen Praxiszentren und Klöster praktizieren alle in der Plum Village-Tradition und unter der direkten Anleitung von Thich Nhat Hanh. Unsere Zentren sind das ganze Jahr über geöffnet, für kurze oder lange Aufenthalte, um die Kunst des achtsamen Lebens zu erlernen.
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Europäisches Institut für angewandten Buddhismus, Deutschland
Das EIAB ist das erste Plum-Village Kloster in Deutschland und das erste Institut für angewandten Buddhismus, es wurde 2008 von Thich Nhat Hanh gegründet. Das große Gelände des EIAB liegt am Rande der kleinen Stadt Waldbröl in Deutschland, ungefähr eine Stunde entfernt von Köln, umgeben von Feldern und prächtigen Kiefernwäldern.
Das EIAB verfügt über eine große, vor Ort lebende klösterliche Gemeinschaft von über 40 Mönchen und Nonnen, was für ein buddhistisches Institut sehr ungewöhnlich ist, und bietet eine starke, kollektive Energie der Achtsamkeit, um jedes Jahr eine große Bandbreite an Kursen anbieten zu können.
Das europäische Institut für angewandten Buddhismus greift auf den Reichtum der Lehre Buddhas zurück, um ein vollständiges Übungsprogramm in konkreten Methoden anzubieten, die das Leiden lindern und Glück und Frieden in uns und der Welt fördern. Diese Übungen umfassen das Studium buddhistischer Texte mit konkreten Anwendungen in allen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens.
Unter der Leitung des Zen Meisters Thich Nhat Hanh, zusammen mit führenden Dharma Lehrern der Plum Village Tradition, erlangen Praktizierende am EIAB nicht nur ein stabiles Fundament an grundlegenden buddhistischen Lehren, sondern meistern ihren eigenen Geist, Körper, ihre Rede und ihr Handeln durch das Kultivieren der Kunst des achtsamen Lebens.
Im Besonderen lernen Praktizierende, die buddhistischen Lehren auf eine Weise anzuwenden, die ihnen hilft, Anspannungen zu lösen und Stress und Schmerzen zu reduzieren; tief zu schauen, um das Leiden zu verstehen, dass in ihnen oder um sie herum ist; schmerzhafte Gefühle und Emotionen durch Einsicht zu erkennen und umzuwandeln; mitfühlendes Zuhören und angemessene Worte zu benutzen, um Verstehen zwischen Individuen und Gruppen, die sich im Konflikt befinden, zu schaffen; und die Freude, Freiheit und Weisheit zu stärken, die jeder Person inne wohnt und die so essentiell wichtig für einen kollektiven Wandel ist.
Die Dharma Lehrer im EIAB geben ihr Verstehen und ihre Erfahrung nicht nur durch Worte, sondern vor allem durch ihre Erfahrung und ihr Handeln im Alltag weiter. Praktizierende im EIAB leben mit der klösterlichen Gemeinschaft zusammen und profitieren direkt von der kollektiven Energie der Achtsamkeit und Konzentration. Von einer harmonischen Gemeinschaft umgeben zu sein ist die beste Unterstützung für jene, die sich wünschen, Achtsamkeit in ihrem täglichen Leben anzuwenden.
Buddhismus, wie er im EIAB gelehrt wird, ist keine Religion. Buddhistische Lehren werden auf eine sehr praktische, nicht-religiöse Art angeboten und Praktizierende jedes – oder keines – religiösen Hintergrundes können davon profitieren, sie zu lernen und in die Praxis umzusetzen.
Alle Kurse werden entweder von Mönchen und Nonnen oder von Laien-Dharma Lehrern angeboten, die aufgrund ihrer Stabilität in der Praxis und ihrer Fähigkeit ein glückliches und achtsames Leben zu führen als Lehrer ausgewählt wurden. Gast-Lehrer, die in bestimmten Gebieten und der Kunst des achtsamen Lebens bewandert sind, werden auch eingeladen, einen Kurs anzuleiten.
Die EIAB Kurse und Retreats sind offen für alle, die sich wünschen, die Qualität ihres eigenen Lebens und die ihrer Familien und Gemeinschaften zu verbessern.
Besuchen Sie die EIAB Webseite
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Blue Cliff Monastery, New York
Nestled on 80 peaceful acres of woodland in the southern Catskill region about two hours northwest of New York City, Blue Cliff Monastery is home to a thriving community of over thirty monastic and lay practitioners who share the art of mindful living with thousands of adults and children every year.
Blue Cliff is a place to quiet the mind, look deeply, and enjoy the wonders of life within and around us through the practices of sitting meditation, walking meditation, mindful eating, deep relaxation meditation, and sharing togetherness.
We invite all who wish to cultivate peace and happiness in their lives to join us for a day of mindfulness or a mindfulness retreat. Visitors are welcome year-round.
Blue Cliff was formerly a family-owned summer resort, in operation since 1939. Today, the various residences have been renovated and winterized, with plans underway to add wheelchair accessible rooms and new dining and common areas. The Great Togetherness Meditation Hall was added in 2008 and can accommodate up to 800 people for meditations and teachings.
Visit the Blue Cliff Monastery website
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Deer Park Monastery, California
This 400-acre sanctuary rests peacefully in the chaparral mountains of southern California, surrounded and protected by oaks and the natural landscape.
Deer Park Monastery was established in July 2000 by the Plum Village four-fold Sangha. Now, it is a safe and serene refuge for many practitioners to come and learn the art of mindful living and to practice with a community, a Sangha. At Deer Park, the residential community of over thirty monastics and lay practitioners, live and practice together year round under the guidance of our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh (Thây), in the tradition of engaged Buddhism, practicing mindfulness through out our everyday life. There are two hamlets: Solidity Hamlet (for monks and laymen) and Clarity Hamlet (for nuns and laywomen). The two hamlets come together several times a week to practice.
At Deer Park, we are nourished not just by the formal sitting meditation sessions, but also by the practice of meditation in our daily activities outside the meditation hall. We are guided by the teachings of Thây on mindfulness and peace-making. We learn to live together as a community and to take refuge in the wisdom of the Sangha.
Visit the Deer Park Monastery website
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Magnolia Grove Monastery, Mississippi
Magnolia Grove Monastery is a both a residential monastery and Mindfulness Practice Meditation Center in the tradition of Plum Village, founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 2005 in Batesville, Mississippi. Today, more than thirty monastics disciples of Thich Nhat Hanh are in residence.
Ten years ago Magnolia Grove was little more than 120 acres purchased by a group of committed individuals and families.
With hard work, dedication and coordinated effort our community created a large meditation hall with an adjoining commercial kitchen to feed participants, and built by hand a guesthouse to host 120 laypeople.
Magnolia Grove Monastery is a place to practice meditation and mindfulness. It is where every breath we take reminds us of the wonders of life.
A place to sit and relax. A place to walk and kiss the earth beneath our feet.
It is a place to rest under a willow tree on an island in a lotus pond. A place to eat together and savor every bite. A place to listen deeply to the sounds of life and the sound of our hearts. A place to work together to build a community of love and understanding.
Magnolia Grove is a place where we can stop running, and discover peace with every step we take. A place to remind each one of us that the present moment is a wonderful moment.
Visit the Magnolia Grove website
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Healing Spring Monastery near Paris, France
Healing Spring Monastery (Monastère de la Source Guérissante), is a new Plum Village practice center that opened its doors in 2018. It is a charming rural refuge, located in Verdelot in the countryside east of Paris. The buildings were once a 19th Century convent.
About a dozen monks from Plum Village are now in residence at Healing Spring. The center is able to host about 20 overnight guests and is being expanded to accommodate 50.
Healing Spring is easily accessible from the capital by public transport (85 minutes from Paris – Gare de l’Est), making it a more comfortable destination for people travelling from Belgium, the U.K., and many other countries.
Visit the Healing Spring Monastery website
Gehe zu EIAB, Blue Cliff, Deer Park, Magnolia Grove, Healing Spring, Maison de l’Inspir, Plum Village France, Plum Village Australia, Plum Village Hong Kong, Plum Village Thailand
Maison de l’Inspir, Paris, France
La Maison de l’Inspir‘ (a French name that can be translated as „The House of Inspiration“) is a small monastery in the Plum Village tradition in Paris, France.
Since its founding in February 2008, Maison de l’Inspir has been home to a small community of nuns. The house has been a place of refuge, healing and rest; a place for anyone to deepen their meditation practice through the daily practice of mindfulness.
Over the last 10 years, Maison de l’Inspir‘ has quickly outgrown its small site in the suburbs of Paris. After the monks established Healing Spring Monastery in the countryside to the east of Paris in 2018, the sisters of Maison de l’Inspir moved (in October 2019) to a new site of their own in Villeneuve-sur-Bellot (a short walk from the brothers at Verdelot). This is an exciting time in the development of this new four-fold Plum Village practice community in the north of France.
For more information about the sisters‘ new location, to organise a visit, or to offer your time or energy to help the new center (please note that the center is currently French speaking only):
Visit the Maison de l’Inspir website.
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Plum Village, France
Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is the largest international practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first residential community to be founded by Thich Nhat Hanh in the West.
Plum Village is where Thay developed his dream of building a Beloved Community: creating a healthy, nourishing environment where people could learn the art of living in harmony with one another and with the Earth.
What began in 1982 as a small, rustic farmstead, has today grown into Europe’s largest Buddhist monastery, with over 200 resident monks and nuns, living and practising in four different hamlets spread out across the French countryside.
At Plum Village we weave mindfulness into all our daily activities, training ourselves to be mindful throughout the day: while eating, walking, working, or enjoying a cup of tea together.
Plum Village is a home away from home, and a beautiful, nourishing, simple environment in which to cultivate the mind of awakening.
We enjoy periods of silence, sitting meditation, rest, relaxation, mindful work and play. All practitioners who come to Plum Village are invited to join in our communal activities, whether it is preparing meals, cleaning around the hamlet, or washing dishes, as a way of learning to cultivate joy and mindfulness whatever we are doing.
Every year, Plum Village welcomes thousands of meditation practitioners from all around the world who come to experience the art of mindful communal living. Over 40 nationalities are often represented at the festive four-week annual Summer Opening Retreat which offers special programs for children and teenagers.
In addition to Spring and Autumn retreat seasons, where visitors are welcome to stay for a week or more, Plum Village also offers special mindfulness retreats for French speakers, teachers, and young people.
The annual 3-month Winter Retreat, which is open to lay people as well as monastics, attracts hundreds of practitioners who come to deepen their practice of mindfulness and live simply and harmoniously in community for ninety consecutive days.
Plum Village has an volunteer programme for youth service, and recently opened an organic „Happy Farm,“ where year-long resident farmers combine ecology and mindfulness as they cultivate vegetables for the community’s vegan meals.
When he is not travelling, Thich Nhat Hanh lives at Plum Village, where he writes, teaches, gardens and guides his global community. Many of the trails around the hills and fields of Plum Village have become legendary paths of walking meditation for Thich Nhat Hanh and his community.
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Plum Village, Australia: Nhập Lưu Meditation Center (near Melbourne), and Mountain Spring Monastery (near Sydney).
Nhap Luu – Stream Entering Meditation Center was established on February 1, 2010, in the beautiful outback near Beaufort, just two hours west of Melbourne.
Five monastic disciples of Thich Nhat Hanh, together with the support of many lay sanghas in Australia, founded the community at Nhap Luu and held the first monastic Rains Retreat there in May 2010. Since then the community has grown, and the monastery’s now extends to 55 hectares of bush, securing Nhap Luu’s future as a tranquil and peaceful place for years to come. We are very lucky to enjoy the presence of kangaroos and other wild life on and around our land.
All people of all nationalities and all faiths and beliefs are welcome to visit Nhap Luu. We never ask anyone to abandon their traditions and practices. We are simply here to share our learning about the wonderful benefits of mindfulness meditation and the insights offered by our teacher Thich Nhat Hanh and Shakyamuni Buddha. Nobody needs become a Buddhist to participate with us.
The sisters host Days of Mindfulness every Sunday at the monastery, and joyful „working bee“ community days, to which all are welcome. We also host mindfulness events in nearby towns, and larger retreats throughout the year, both at Nhap Luu and beyond. Visit the Nhap Luu website
Mountain Spring Monastery

Cradled in the stunning Blue Mountains outside of Sydney, Australia, Mountain Spring Monastery the newest Plum Village monastic practice center, was founded in March 2020.
The 15 acre monastery, which is connected to thousands of acres of national park, houses a monastic community of monks and nuns, and hosts weekly days of mindfulness, local meditation classes, and online practice activities. A large organic farm is a central feature of this beautiful forested oasis.
The monastery also hosts online meditation classes, sanghas and activities on a daily basis, and warmly welcomes visitors of all backgrounds and faith traditions to come and join in the daily practice activities and retreats. More information can be found at www.mountainspringmonastery.org
Gehe zu EIAB, Blue Cliff, Deer Park, Magnolia Grove, Healing Spring, Maison de l’Inspir, Plum Village France, Plum Village Australia, Plum Village Hong Kong, Plum Village Thailand
Plum Village, Hong Kong
The home of Plum Village in Hong Kong is the Lotus Pond Temple on spectacular Lantau Island, where over a dozen monks and nuns, all disciples of Thich Nhat Hanh, live, practice and lead retreats in the Plum Village tradition.
It is here, on this mountainous and misty island, that the Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism (AIAB) has been established and serves the Asian region.
In 2010 Thich Nhat Hanh proposed that an Applied Buddhism Institute be established in Asia, to help bring the applied and relevant aspects of Buddhism to the people of Asia, and in Spring 2011 his dream became a reality.
The AIAB promotes the teachings and the practices of Buddhism that help people to get in touch with the peace and joy within themselves, to dwell in the present moment, to heal and to transform suffering. This can be done through the practice of mindfulness – with our mindful breaths and mindful steps – as we get in touch with the miracles of life.
The AIAB is a center of Applied Buddhism Studies and Practices, with a resident monastic Sangha as the core element offering the teachings and leading the practices. The AIAB trains monastic and lay Dharma Teachers to help meet the growing demand for mindfulness practices in Hong Kong, in Asia and in other parts of the world.
The AIAB holds retreats for young people and professionals in the field of education, social work, health care, business and so on, to help them rest, to release tensions in body and mind, to deal with stress and other obstacles in life, and to reconcile difficulties in personal, family and professional relationships.
Everyone is welcome to join us for Days of Mindfulness on the island, and other events „downtown“, as well as for longer retreats held on the island or in other locations.
Visit the AIAB website for more details.
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Plum Village, Thailand
Plum Village Thailand was founded in 2008, and in 2013 the monastic community moved to a stunning new campus on the edge of Khao Yai National Park, a UNESCO world heritage site about 240km northeast of Bangkok.
Over 200 monks and nuns live in the new monastery, and the community welcomes guests for retreat stays of a week or more throughout the year. The daily program is very similar to those in Plum Village monasteries around the world, except that the tropical environment favours sitting meditation outdoors and a fresh early morning walking meditation at 5.30am.
The monastery has been newly built along ecological lines by award-winning architects from Bangkok. Visitors will discover beautiful courtyards and buildings adapted to the natural environment, and young Bodhi trees planted by Thay himself. The new Meditation Hall and library are still under construction.
Plum Village Thailand is the community’s largest hub in Asia, and, together with the Asian Institute for Applied Buddhism in Hong Kong, organises and leads retreats in the Plum Village tradition in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan, as well as retreats for Vietnamese citizens in Thailand.
The community also leads regular large Days of Mindfulness, open to all, in downtown Bangkok. Please contact the monastery for more information.