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A Handful of Quiet
A Handful of Quiet presents one of the best known and most innovative meditation practices developed by Thich Nhat Hanh as part of the Plum Village community’s practice with children. Pebble meditation is a…

A Lifetime of Peace
A Lifetime of Peace draws on dozens of sources to collect the very best writing by and about Thich Nhat Hanh. This timely collection is both a political and spiritual handbook which encompasses all…

A Love Letter to the Planet
A Love Letter to the Planet is part of the Parallax Press Moments series of short ebooks. It is a passionate appeal from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh for ecological mindfulness and strengthening our…

A Pebble for Your Pocket
Drawn from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Dharma talks given to children people, A Pebble for Your Pocket presents the basic teachings of the Buddha in accessible and modern language. The book is written in a…

Achtsam Essen – Achtsam Leben:
Der weltbekannte buddhistische Meditationslehrer Thich Nhat Hanh und die renommierte amerikanische Ökotrophologin Dr. Lilan Cheung erklären, warum die Bewusstseinshaltung beim Essen wirksamer ist als alle Diäten: Gesünder leben und essen und dabei abnehmen auf…

Achtsam Sprechen – Achtsam Zuhören
Wir alle wollen verstanden werden. Wenn wir reden und niemand uns zuhört, dann kommunizieren wir nicht auf wirksame Weise. Thich Nhat Hanh – Zen-Meister und einer der größten spirituellen Lehrer der Gegenwart – zeigt…

Achtsamkeit Survival-Kit
Achtsamkeit hilft, den Alltag zu bewältigen und sich selbst weiterzuentwickeln. Thich Nhat Hanh erklärt in seinem neuen Werk fünf Schlüsseltechniken für das tägliche Achtsamkeitstraining. Damit bietet er Einsteigern und Fortgeschrittenen einen modernen und säkularen…

Answers From The Heart
Answers from the Heart collects 50 deep and heartfelt questions posed to Thich Nhat Hanh by participants in his retreats and from his students, and offers his personal, heartfelt, and often surprising answers. The…

Thich Nhat Hanh lehrt uns, Ärger nicht zu unterdrücken oder zu verstecken, sondern ihn in die positiven Energien des Verstehens und des Mitgefühls umzuwandeln. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele belegt er, wie sich Frustketten innerhalb der…

Aus Angst wird Mut
Wie wirklich ist unsere Wirklichkeit? Wie entstehen unsere Gedanken und Gefühle, und wie können wir sie beeinflussen? Ist ein Umgang mit negativen, hemmenden Gefühlen wie Wut oder Angst möglich, der uns zu freien, mutigen…

Awakening of the Heart
Awakening of the Heart is a collection of the Buddha’s key sutras with contemporary commentaries and translations by Thich Nhat Hanh. It is an essential complement to Happiness, the bestselling collection of Plum Village…

Basket of Plums – Songbook
This songbook shares the practice songs of Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh’s Community of Mindful Living in France. It includes traditional hymns, many of Thich Nhat Hanh’s well-known poems set to music, and original…

Be Free Where You Are
Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. – Thich Nhat Hanh This small but powerful book is based on a talk given at a prison (The Maryland…

Beginning Anew
In Beginning Anew, Sister Chân Không shares a concrete, four-part process that can help anyone clear up misunderstandings, communicate more honestly and openly with the people around them, and heal relationships. Thousands have been introduced…

Being Peace
Since its publication in 1987, „Being Peace“ has become a classic of contemporary religious literature. Thich Nhat Hanh shows how our state of mind and body can make the world a more peaceful place….

Beyond the Self
One of the Buddha’s central ideas is the importance of transcending “either/or” thinking, to avoid the trap of extremist views. In Beyond the Self Thich Nhat Hanh suggests that we can find tranquility by…

Breathe: A Thich Nhat Hanh Journal
A lovingly and artistically designed journal, Breathe features excerpts from Thich Nhat Hanh’s best-loved meditations, prayers, and poems. They are intended to inspire the user’s own personal reflections, sketches, or jotting down of favourite…

Buddha Mind, Buddha Body
In this book Thich Nhat Hanh explores the connection between psychology, neuroscience, and meditation. It opens with the question: Is free will possible? Which becomes a leitmotif as Thich Nhat Hanh explores how the…

Buddha und Christus heute
Das Buch ist den beiden Religionsstiftern Buddha und Christus gewidmet. Mit klaren Worten greift Thich Nhat Hanh, eine der großen spirituellen Autoritäten der Gegenwart, verschiedene Aspekte der christlichen und buddhistischen Lehren auf, um die…

Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe
Artist Logan Payne has created a portable altar in a new and imaginative way by combining her unique vision with a guided meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh. The resulting set contains a six-panel fold-out…

Calming the Fearful Mind
In a time of terrorism and uncertainty, how can any of us feel truly safe? Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh looks at the real roots of terrorism and fear and offers the way out:…

Chanting From The Heart
This Plum Village Chanting and Recitation Book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in liturgy and for everyone who just wants to celebrate life and practice the art of mindful living. It contains…

Clouds in a Teacup
As soon as you open the cover of Clouds in a Teacup, you step into a contemplative journey of your own creation. Oakland, California artist and activist Brett Cook invites you to shed your…

Creating True Peace
Creating True Peace is both a profound work of spiritual guidance and a practical blueprint for peaceful inner change and global change. It is the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh’s answer to our deep-rooted crisis…

Das Boot ist nicht das Ufer
Dieses Buch enthält einen Dialog zwischen dem radikalen Jesuitenpater Daniel Berrigan und dem Zen-Meister Thich Nhat Hanh. Ihre Gespräche decken ein breites Spektrum von Themen ab, die für die buddhistisch-christliche Beziehung relevant sind, darunter…

Das Diamantsutra
Das Diamantsutra gehört zu den wichtigsten Weisheitstexten des Mahayana-Buddhismus. Thich Nhat Hanhs ausführliche Erläuterungen lassen den Gehalt und die konkrete Bedeutung dieses Sutra für die heutige Zeit deutlich werden. „Es ist hilfreich, sich zu…

Das Herz von Buddhas Lehre
Thich Nhat Hanh führt in den innersten Kern dessen, was uns der Buddhismus an zeitlosen Wahrheiten uns heute zu sagen hat. Klar und inspirierend stellt er das Leben des Buddha vor, die Vier Edlen…

Das Wunder der Achtsamkeit
Das Standardwerk für alle, die wissen wollen, was Meditation wirklich ist und wie man sie in den Alltag integrieren kann. Thich Nhat Hanh zeigt, wie wichtig Achtsamkeit ist, um den Herausforderungen des Lebens gelassen…

Das Wunder des bewussten Atmens
Bewusstes Atmen ist der Schlüssel zu einem bewussten Leben. Thich Nhat Hanh stellt in diesem Buch die sechzehn Methoden des bewussten Atmens vor. Sie sind ein erprobter Weg zu mehr Achtsamkeit, Gelassenheit und innerem…

Das Wunder im Jetzt
Das Vermächtnis des großen Zen-Meisters: ein Weisheitsbuch über das Phänomen der Zeit. Der große buddhistische Lehrer Thich Nhat Hanh teilt in „Das Wunder im Jetzt“ erstmals viele persönliche Erfahrungen seines Lebens. Er beschreibt seine…

Deep Relaxation
For nearly 30 years Sister Chan Khong’s Deep Relaxation practice has been a highlight for thousands of people who have attended Order of Interbeing Buddhist retreats. With Deep Relaxation book and audio CD, the reader/listener will learn…

Der Duft von Palmenblättern
Tagebuch-Aufzeichnungen von Thay aus den Jahren 1962-1966.. Wir erfahren von Phuong Boi (‚Duft der Palmenblätter‘), einem Waldkloster in den Bergen Zentralvietnams, das Thay mit Freunden gründet, nachdem ihm die buddhistische Orthodoxie in Südvietnam alle…

Der furchtlose Buddha
Wir alle kennen das Gefühl der Angst, oft sogar als täglichen Begleiter. Unsere Vergangenheit belastet uns, die Zukunft fürchten wir, ebenso Krankheit, Alter und Tod oder den Verlust von Menschen, die uns wichtig sind….

Die Kunst des glücklichen Lebens
Thich Nhat Hanh leitete 1998 in seinem Zentrum in Vermont (USA) ein 21-tägiges Achtsamkeitsseminar. Sein neues Buch über ‚Die Kunst des glücklichen Lebens‘ basiert auf den dort gehaltenen Vorträgen. Es lässt die Leserinnen und…

Die Sonne – Mein Herz
In „die Sonne, mein Herz“ schlägt Thich Nhat Hanh auf einzigartige Weise eine Brücke zwischen Wissenschaft und Spiritualität, zwischen Ost und West. Er zeigt, dass die Kluft zwischen der rationalen Weltsicht einerseits und der…

Die Welt ins Herz schließen
Die Welt und das Leben lieben! Ein überzeugendes Plädoyer für ein Engagement in und für die Welt eine Vision weltumspannender Ökologie und Friedensarbeit aus buddhistischer Sicht. In diesem fesselnden und provokativen Buch entwickelt Thich…

Each Breath A Smile
Inspired by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, in Each Breath a Smile by Sister Susan, young children learn how to calm body and mind and enjoy the present moment.

Es gibt nichts zu tun
Ein Gipfeltreffen des Zen. Der weltberühmte Zen-Meister Thich Nhat Hanh kommentiert die bekannten Unterweisungen des ebenso berühmten chinesischen Zen-Meisters Linji (jap. Rinzai). Einige von dessen knappen, aufrüttelnden Aussprüchen sind längst zu geflügelten Worten des…

Finding Our True Home
Finding Our True Home presents a new definitive translation of the Amitabha Sutra along with Thich Nhat Hanh’s first commentary on one of the most practiced forms of Buddhism in the world, the Pure…

For a Future to Be Possible
The Five Mindfulness Trainings — to not kill, steal, commit adultery, lie, or take intoxicants — are the basic statement of ethics and morality in Buddhism. In a world marked by moral and spiritual…

Freedom Wherever We Go
In Freedom Wherever We Go, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh takes the centuries-old Buddhist monastic code, the Pratimoksha, and updates it for the twenty-first century. „The Buddha,“ Thich Nhat Hanh says, „needs courageous disciples…

Friends On The Path
Friends on the Path is an anthology that includes contributions from experienced Dharma teachers and Sangha (community) leaders around the world; each giving sage advice on how to build and sustain a community of…

Gut Sein
Wie kann unsere Welt eine bessere werden? Damit ein Umdenken passieren kann, muss eine globale Ethik fokussiert werden. Thich Nhat Hanh setzt sich seit Jahrzehnten für den Frieden ein. Mit seinem Buch „Gut sein…

All of Thich Nhat Hanh’s key practices are collected in this accessible and easy-to-use book. Happiness is the quintessential resource of mindfulness practices.Happiness is structured to introduce those new to Buddhist teachings as well…

Happy Teachers Change the World
Happy Teachers Change the World is the first official, authoritative manual of the Thich Nhat Hanh/Plum Village approach to mindfulness in education. Spanning the whole range of schools and grade levels, from preschool through…

This extraordinary autobiography by Sister Dang Nghiem takes the reader from the rice fields of Vietnam to the peaceful surrounding of Thich Nhat Hanh’s monastery in Plum Village where she took refuge. There she…

Hermit and the Well
The Hermit and the Well is a story from the time the author was a young boy in Vietnam. When his school class goes on a trip to climb a mountain, he hopes to…

Hermitage Among The Clouds
Hermitage Among the Clouds tells the story of the fourteenth century Princess Amazing Jewel, the daughter of one of Vietnam’s greatest historical Zen master kings. This beautifully written story expresses the suffering caused by…

How to Eat (Mindful Essentials)
How to Eat is part of the Mindfulness Essentials Series by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, illuminating the basics of mindfulness practice. These short meditations cover everything from eating with others and enjoying our food…

How to Fight
Learn how to relax the bonds of anger, attachment, and delusion through mindfulness and kindness toward ourselves and others. This time Nhat Hanh brings his signature clarity, compassion, and humour to the ways we…

How to Live
The five bestselling handbooks of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Mindfulness Essentials Series, How to Sit, How to Eat, How to Walk, How to Love, and How to Relax, are collected together for the first time…

How to Love
How to Love is the third title in Parallax’s Mindfulness Essentials Series of how-to titles by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This time Nhat Hanh brings his signature clarity, compassion, and humour to the thorny…

How to Relax (Mindfulness Essentials)
How to Relax is part of The Mindfulness Essentials series of how-to titles by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, introducing beginners and reminding seasoned practitioners of the essentials of mindfulness practice. Pocket-sized, with original two…

How to See
How we develop misperceptions, how we can gain insight, and how mindfulness practices can help us see ourselves, each other, and the world around us more clearly are just a few of the topics…

How to Sit
The first book in the Mindfulness Essentials Series by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, How to Sit offers clear, simple directions and inspiration for anyone wanting to explore mindfulness meditation. In short, single-paragraph chapters, Nhat Hanh…

How to Walk (Mindful Essentials)
How to Walk is the fourth title in Parallax’s popular Mindfulness Essentials Series of how-to titles by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, introducing beginners and reminding seasoned practitioners of the essentials of mindfulness practice….

I Have Arrived, I Am Home
With moving personal histories and photographs this book celebrates 20 years of Plum Village’s bountiful harvest of wisdom and joy in this oversized tea table book. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global…

Ich pflanze ein Lächeln
Frieden, die große Sehnsucht der Menschheit, kann nicht von außen kommen. Frieden muss in uns selbst beginnen. Achtsam zu leben, jeden Schritt bewusst zu tun, jeden Atemzug zu spüren, ist der Weg, der uns…

Jesus und Buddha
Jesus und Buddha auf einem gemeinsamen Weg – in einem Dialog der Liebe. Sie stellen nicht vor Alternativen, sie zeigen vielmehr, was es heißt, in einer Tradition zu Hause zu sein. So erschließt sich…

Joyfully Together
Joyfully Together contains a wealth of ideas, thoughts, and practical suggestions on how to live happily with other people. The wisdom in this book draws from ancient Buddhist traditions to solve conflicts large and…

Keeping the Peace
Keeping the Peacespeaks to all of us who work in difficult, people-oriented jobs and shows us how to turn environments that are often filled with anger, stress, and frustration into islands of peace. Zen…

Eine ästhetisch hochwertige Box mit 30 Kalligraphikarten des bekannten Zen-Meisters und einem Begleitbuch. Thich Nhat Hanh ist nicht nur einer der bekanntesten buddhistischen Lehrer unserer Zeit, sondern auch ein begnadeter Kalligraph. Die von ihm…

Learning True Love
Learning True Love is a moving personal memoir by Thich Nhat Hanh’s right hand-woman and oldest disciple Sr. Chan Khong. It is an introduction to the mindfulness teachings and life of Thich Nhat Hanh…

Leben ist, was Jetzt passiert
Achtsamkeit ist der Königsweg zu einem sinnerfüllten, freudvollen und freien Leben. Wohl niemand kann uns besser zeigen, wie wir diese Ziele erreichen, als Thich Nhat Hanh, der die Praxis des achtsamen Lebens in die…

In jungen Jahren verliebte sich der heute weltbekannte Zen-Meister und Mönch Thich Nhat Hanh in eine junge Nonne. Jahrzehnte später erzählt er in großer Offenheit von dieser Liebe, von seiner Sehnsucht und seinen inneren…

Living Without Stress or Fear
A life without stress or fear may seem like an impossible dream-yet Thich Nhat Hanh has spent a lifetime proving that it is not only possible, it is also within our grasp. In Living…

Looking Deeply
In Looking Deeply, (Audio CD) recorded during meditation retreats in North America in 1987, the author delivers in his own words the Buddha’s insights into the interconnectedness between everything within and around us. Thich Nhat…

Love in Action
Love in Action is a collection of over two decades of Thich Nhat Hanh’s writing on nonviolence, peace, and reconciliation. Reflecting on the devastation of war, he makes the strong argument that mindfulness, insight, and…

Love Letter to The Earth
While many experts point to the enormous complexity in addressing issues ranging from the destruction of ecosystems to the loss of millions of species, Thich Nhat Hanh identifies one key issue as having the…

Making Space
Find peace and calm amid the busyness of your life with this new book by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Designed to be both inspiration and guidebook for those new to mindfulness practice, Making…

Master Tang Hoi
Master Tang Hoi presents an overview of the life, work and thought of Tang Hoi, the earliest known Buddhist meditation master of Vietnam. Tang Hoi was born in the region that is now Vietnam,…

Mein Leben ist meine Lehre
Thich Nhat Hanh ist neben dem Dalai Lama der bekannteste Vertreter des Buddhismus im Westen. Erstmals erzählt er in „Mein Leben ist meine Lehre“ viele bisher nicht bekannte biografische Erinnerungen und verbindet sie mit…

Mindful Movements
Thich Nhat Hanh has developed these gentle exercises based on Yoga and Tai Chi movements, initially designed as mindful stretching breaks between long periods of sitting meditation, Mindful Movements became a popular practice to…

Mindfulness as Medicine
Before she became a Buddhist nun in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, Sister Dang Nghiem was a doctor. She’d traveled far in her 43 years. Born during the Tet Offensive and part of…

Moments of Mindfulness
This beautifully designed gift book contains many of the best-loved, inspirational quotations and passages from Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Basic meditation instructions and messages of peace, love, insight, understanding, and compassion accompanied by…

My Master’s Robe
Zen Master, poet and peace and human rights activist Thich Nhat Hanh was born in central Vietnam in 1926 and joined the monkhood at the age of sixteen. Written by the author in his…

Nenne mich bei meinen wahren Namen
Thich Nhat Hanh ist vor allem als buddhistischer Lehrer bekannt, aber er ist auch Dichter und Poet. Immer wieder hat er Selbsterlebtes sowie seine spirituell-philosophische Sicht der Welt in poetische Bilder gefasst.Diese Auswahl von…

No Death, No Fear
„You would not cry if you knew that by looking deeply into the rain you would still see the cloud.“ „Our greatest fear is that when we die we will become nothing. We believe…

Nothing To It
In Nothing To It, Brother Phap Hai who is an Australian-born senior monk in the Plum Village Tradition, brings his characteristic warmth and humour to explore the many different gates to transformation offered by Buddhism….

Ohne Schlamm, kein Lotus
„Die meisten Menschen fürchten sich davor zu leiden. Doch das Leiden ist eine Art Schlamm, der die Lotosblüte des Glücks zum Erblühen bringt. Es gäbe keine Lotosblüte ohne den Schlamm.” Der große Weisheitslehrer Thich…

One Buddha is Not Enough
How do we learn to believe in ourselves and not just rely on our spiritual teachers? One Buddha Is Not Enough is a book on how to become your own teacher and create your…

Opening the Heart of the Cosmos
The Lotus Sutra is one of the most revered of Mahayana sacred texts and is sometimes called “the king of sutras.” Despite this fact, there are very few commentaries in English available today. Thich…

Our Appointment with Life
This easily accessible translation and commentary by Thich Nhat Hanh on the Sutra on Knowing the Better Way To Live Alone, is the earliest teaching of the Buddha on living fully in the present…

Path of Compassion
Path of Compassion tells the fascinating life story of Prince Siddhartha, who left his family and renounced his carefully guarded life, and after many years of spiritual seeking became the Buddha, the Enlightened One….

Peace Begins Here
In this book Thich Nhat Hanh demonstrates how a real peace process is based on spiritual, not political strength. Peace Begins Here was inspired by an ongoing retreat project for Israelis and Palestinians at…

Peace Is Every Breath
In this deeply insightful meditation, Thich Nhat Hanh illuminates how each of us can incorporate the practice of mindfulness into our every waking moment. It opens a pathway to greater spiritual fulfilment through its…

Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind provides a foundation for understanding the principles of mind/body awareness. By learning how our physical body and mind are inseparable in creating our own perceptions and experiences we can begin to…

Peaceful Action, Open Heart
The Lotus Sutra is one of the most revered of Mahayana sacred texts and is sometimes called “the king of sutras.” Despite this fact, there are very few commentaries in English available today. Thich…

Planting Seeds
Those wishing to plant seeds of peace, relaxation, and awareness in children will find this book and CD helpful. It is full of wisdom on how to simply be with children and nourish their…

Present Moment Wonderful Moment
These gathas, or poetic verses are collected to help practice mindfulness. Reciting these poetic, yet practical verses can help us to slow down and enjoy each moment of our lives. They are designed to…

Quelle der Liebe
Wie gelingt Intimität? Wie können wir unserer Beziehung eine belastbare Basis geben? Wie kann es uns glücken, unsere Liebe über die Jahre hinweg lebendig zu erhalten? Und wie gehen wir in der Partnerschaft mit…

Sacred Places
In this second book in our Mindful Journey Colouring Book series, Thich Nhat Hanh’s wisdom is paired with black-and-white renderings of magical places and simple interiors created by multi- faceted Berkeley, California artist Jason…

Schlüssel zum Zen
Bewusstheit und Achtsamkeit, Gelassenheit und Harmonie sind Quellen der Lebensfreude. Ein Klassiker der Zen-Literatur erschließt diese alte Tradition. Er erzählt von seinen Erfahrungen auf dem Weg des Zen. Thich Nhat Hanh zeigt, wie man…

Sea Libre Donde Este
This is the Spanish translation of Be Free Where You Are. Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. – Thich Nhat Hanh This small but powerful book…

Silence shows us how to find and maintain our equanimity amid the barrage of noise. Thich Nhat Hanh guides us on a path to cultivate calm even in the most chaotic places. Silence is a…

Stepping Into Freedom
Stepping into Freedom offers us a look at Buddhist monastic life and shows us all ways to live simply, beautifully and happily while dwelling in the present moment. It is a book of guidelines,…

Sun in My Belly
On an early morning on a cloudy day, Jenny and her friend Molly play ball in a meadow. Somehow they begin to fight over the ball, and Molly storms off. Both are unhappy in…

Taming the Tiger Within
Taming the Tiger Within offers pragmatic techniques for diffusing anger, converting fear, and cultivating love in every arena of life. It is a guide for bringing harmony and healing to one’s life and relationships….

Teachings on Love
We all yearn to experience a love that is deeper and more joyful. Teachings on Love provides a time-tested path that anyone can follow to nurture the deepest love in ourselves and others. Teachings…

The Art of Power
Die Ich-zuerst-Mentalität in unserer Kultur zielt auf Macht. Wir glauben, dass Macht uns das bringt, was wir am meisten wollen: Freiheit und Glück. Doch viele Menschen sind – trotz ihrer hohen Position – nicht…

The Bells of Mindfulness
The Bells of Mindfulness is part of the Parallax Press Moments series of short ebooks. Thich Nhat Hanh presents a dramatic vision of the future of our planet, a call for environmental awareness, and…

The Dragon Prince
The Dragon Prince is a collection of 15 stories and legends from Vietnam retold by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. As in many of his teachings, Nhat Hanh emphasises themes of cooperation and reconciliation,…

The Heart of Understanding
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. In The Heart of Understanding,Thich Nhat Hanh offers a lucid and engaging interpretation of this core Buddhist text—The Heart Sutra—which is one of the most important sutras, offering…

The Joy of Full Consciousness
In 1999 two French journalists spent time with Buddhist Zen master and Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village, the community of practice he founded in southwestern France. This account of their experience…

The Long Road Turns To Joy
One of the few books focused completely on mindful walking and walking meditation. This revised edition of the best-selling title has new material—including new walking meditation poems and practices—and provides a practical and inspirational…

The Novice
The Novice is the parable of Kinh Tam a girl with a fierce determination to practice, so much so that she disguises herself as a man to become a monk, and how she became…

The Other Shore
In September, 2014 Thich Nhat Hanh completed a profound, beautiful and radical new English translation of the Prajñaparamita Heart Sutra, one of the most important and well-known sutras in Buddhism. The Heart Sutra is…

The Stone Boy and Other Stories
In The Stone Boy and Other Stories, Thich Nhat Hanh’s collection of short fiction, Thay explores themes of love and compassion while introducing the reader to the treasures of Vietnamese culture. A previous edition was…

The Ten Gates
The Ten Gates is an audio CD designed to help the listener through a twelve week course based on Brother Phap Hai’s book Nothing To It: Ten Ways To Be At Home With Yourself.

Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh: Essential Writings, brings together excerpts from Thay’s poetry, his Christian-Buddhist dialogues, his introductions to Buddhist sutras, and his own teachings on core Buddhist ideas. Through his writings and retreats he has…

This Moment Is Full of Wonders
This Moment Is Full of Wonders collects more than 60 full-colour artworks by Thich Nhat Hanh in a richly textured hardcover package. As beautiful as they are inspirational, the ink-rendered phrases offer eloquent distillations…

Thundering Silence
Near the end of his life, the Buddha declared, „during forty-five years, I have not said anything.“ to encourage his disciples not to get caught by words or ideas. Thich Nhat Hanh calls this…

Tief aus dem Herzen
Der Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh spricht über das Beten als undogmatischer, religiös ungebundener Weg zur Liebe und Selbstheilung. Gebet ist die Keimzelle aller Spiritualität. Es ist der unmittelbare Ausdruck dafür, dass es eine Energie…

Together We Are One
Together We Are One is based on teachings given to Buddhist practitioners of colour. Based on four retreats that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh led specifically for people of colour, this book is for…

Touching Peace
In Touching Peace, Thich Nhat Hanh expands the teachings on practicing the art of mindful living begun in the best selling Being Peace by giving specific, practical instructions on extending our meditation practice into…

Touching the Earth
Based on the loving kindness and compassion meditation of the Lotus Sutra, Touching the Earth contains one of the most popular and transformative practices of Thich Nhat Hanh. Written as a poetic conversation with…

Transformation and Healing
The teachings contained in this The Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness are fundamental to the practice of mediation, and constitute the foundation of all mindfulness practice. The Sutra has been studied, practiced…

True Love
In this little treasure, Thich Nhat Hanh, offers timeless insight into the nature of real love. With simplicity, warmth, and directness, he explores the four key aspects of love as described in the Buddhist…

True Peace Work
True Peace Work is an anthology of voices from many lineages. Thich Nhat Hanh and many others such as His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Joanna Macy, Gary Snyder, Maha Ghosananda, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Matthieu Ricard…

True Virtue
In 1988, Sister Annabel Laity became the first Western person to be ordained as a monastic disciple in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Vietnamese Zen lineage. She was given the Dharma name Chan Duc, which means…

Two Treasures
This volume contains two sutras, The Sutra on the Eight Realisations of Great Beings and its complementary text, The Discourse on Happiness. The sutras explain in practical detail how to progress step-by-step towards the…

Und ich blühe wie die Blume
Originaltitel: The Blooming of a Lotus

Under the Rose Apple Tree
In this sequel to A Pebble for Your Pocket, Thich Nhat Hanh looks deeply at the issues that confront young people in today’s society. Applying his unique insights to anger, family conflict, drug use,…

Versöhnung mit dem inneren Kind
Das innere Kind ist die Stimme für alle tief empfundenen, oft verdrängten Gefühle aus der Kindheit. Häufig sind diese Gefühle Ausdruck innerer Verletzungen und äußern sich in Angst, Verlassenheit oder Wut. Thich Nhat Hanh…

Wie Siddhartha zum Buddha wurde
Thich Nhat Hanhs romanhaft erzählte Buddha-Biografie ist zugleich eine brillante Einführung in den Buddhismus. In lebendigen Bildern schildert der bekannte Zen-Meister die Lebensgeschichte Siddhartha Gautamas, des historischen Buddha. Dabei zeigt er ihn nicht als…

Work aims at contributing to new models of leadership and doing business. How can we find inner peace, enjoyment and fulfilment in our working lives? By carefully examining our everyday choices we can move…

You Are Here
“Mindfulness is not an evasion or an escape,” he explains. “It means being here, present, and totally alive. It is true freedom—and without this freedom, there is no happiness.” TNH In this book Thich…

Your True Home
Bringing the energy of true presence into our lives really does change things for the better—and all it takes is a little training. This treasury of 365 gems of daily wisdom from one of…

Zen und die Kunst, die Welt zu retten
Wir leben in schwierigen Zeiten: Verunsicherung und Hilflosigkeit sind groß angesichts von Umweltkatastrophen, sozialer Ungleichheit oder Pandemien. Thich Nhat Hanh, einer der bedeutendsten spirituellen Lehrer der Gegenwart, macht Mut. Denn es gibt etwas, das…