Software de pleine conscience

Many times when we work with our computers, we are completely lost in our work, and we forget to be in touch with ourselves. Or we may forget to pay attention to our conversations, getting carried away by juicy gossip, criticizing, complaining, or other unmindful speech.

We can program a bell of mindfulness on our computer, and every quarter of an hour (or as often as you like), the bell sounds and we have a chance to stop and go back to ourselves. Breathing in and out three times is enough to release the tension in the body and smile, then we can continue our work. Few softwares below might of help:


The app requires Android or iOS

headspaceHeadspace is meditation made simple, a way of treating your head right. Using proven meditation and mindfulness techniques we’ll show you how to train your mind for a healthier, happier, more enjoyable life.

How it works
Starting with our free Take10 programme, we’ll teach you the basics of meditation in just 10 minutes a day.

If you enjoy Take10 and want to learn more, then you can choose to continue and get access to hundreds of hours of original meditations, including guided and unguided, ranging from 2 to 60 minutes.

Download Headspace ›› from Google Play
Download Headspace ›› from iTunes

Insight Timer

The app requires Android or iOS

insight-timerWith beautiful Tibetan singing bowls and a dynamic worldwide meditation community, Insight Timer is the fun, connected way to support your meditation practice.

Now with free guided meditations by your favorite teachers: Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn and many more.

If you’re new to meditation, you’ll find introductory guided mediations and a supportive community to help you get started.

If you’re an experienced meditator, you’ll feel right at home with our beautiful Tibetan singing bowls and guided meditations by experienced teachers that you know and respect.

Insight Timer is the world’s most popular meditation timer app. Insight Timer has been featured in US News & World Report, Forbes Magazine, Men’s Journal Magazine, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and O, The Oprah Magazine.

Download Insight Timer (Free version) ›› or Insight Timer Deluxe ›› from Google Play
Download Insight Timer ››  from iTunes

Mindfulness Bell

The app requires Android

mindfulness-bellThe Mindfulness Bell rings periodically during the day, to give you the opportunity to hold on for a moment and consider what you are currently doing, and in what state of mind you are while you are doing it. According to the Zen Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, this is an effective means of developing mindfulness.

If you wonder where the “menu button” is: it is the three little dots in the corner of the screen, next to the “back”, “home” and “switch apps” button.

Download Mindfulness Bell ›› from Google Play


The app requires Android 4.0 and up

menthalMenthal provides feedback on your mobile phone usage, and thus allows you to maintain a sustainable digital lifestyle. To this end, it tracks the full range of interaction between you and your phone. Running in the background, it records, for example every time you unlock your phone, every time you start an app, and every time you receive a call. The data is sent to our data vault once a day. There we extract the most interesting indicators, such as the total time you spent with your phone or the number of times you used a particular app. On your phone, you can then browse this aggregated information, and interpret it in the context of your lifestyle.

For more information please visit Menthal ›› or download from Google Play ››


Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu)

With the MindfulClock you turn your device into a Bell of Mindfulness. During the day, it will periodically invite the bell and gives you the opportunity to pause, and enjoy the present moment in mindfulness.

MindfulClock homepage ››

Google Chrome Extension &
Firefox Add-on

Operating System: Windows | Mac | Linux

A bell that reminds us to breathe and be mindful of our body and mind.

In the busy time of our daily life, we let our mind float away to many distractions. We forget about our body, our breath, and our mind; we forget about the unity of our mind and body. In order to remind us of this unification, the bell of mindfulness is meant for us to bring our mind back to our body. When we hear the sound of the bell, please stop what we are doing and take three breaths to bring our mind back to our body. Let this unification happen and be happy in the present moment.

Add to your Chrome browser ››

Add to your Firefox browser ››

Mindful Clock

Operating System: Windows
Download Mindful Clock ››

Download extra bells below here by right-clicking on the file name and choose save as

Download Big Bell ››
Download Small Bell ››

Just download these into your C:\Program Files\MindfulClock directory. favorite browser. Once the files have been downloaded, open the MindfulClock control and select the new sounds by double clicking on the sound file names.

This software created by David Steigerwald.

Time Out Free

Operating System: Mac

TimeOutIt is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end. You care about what you are doing, so can sometimes push yourself too far, or over-strain yourself. The human body isn’t built to sit in one position for endless hours, gripping a mouse or typing on the keyboard. Dejal Time Out is here to help. It will gently remind you to take a break on a regular basis.

Details visit: Time Out Free ››

Stilness Buddy

Operating System: Windows | Mac

stilness-buddyStillness Buddy is a powerful software app that is helping thousands of people around the world to live in the present moment, feel happier and more at peace. For more details please visit Stilness Buddy homepage ››


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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

00:00 / 00:00
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