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The EIAB is the first Institute of Applied Buddhism founded by Thich Nhat Hanh, in 2008. The EIAB’s large campus is situated on the edge of the small town of Waldbröl, Germany, about an hour from Cologne, amid rolling fields and magnificent pine forests.

The EIAB has a large residential monastic community of over 40 monks and nuns, which is very unusual for a Buddhist Institute, and provides a strong collective energy of mindfulness to support the wide range of courses on offer every year.

Drawing on the wealth of the Buddha’s teaching, the European Institute of Applied Buddhism (EIAB) offers a complete program of training in concrete methods that relieve suffering and promote happiness and peace in ourselves and in the world. The training fully integrates the study of Buddhist texts with concrete applications at all levels of daily life.

Under the direction of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, together with senior Dharma Teachers in the Plum Village tradition, practitioners at the EIAB gain not only a firm grounding in essential Buddhist teachings, but a mastery of their own mind, body, speech and actions through cultivating the art of mindful living.

Specifically, practitioners learn to apply Buddhist teachings in a way that helps to release tensions, and reduce stress and pain; to look deeply to understand whatever suffering that may be in them or around them; to recognize and transform painful feelings and emotions through insight; to use compassionate listening and skillful words to create understanding between individuals and also between groups in conflict; and to strengthen the inherent joy, freedom and wisdom in each person that is so essential for collective transformation.

The Dharma Teachers at EIAB pass on their understanding and experience not only through words, but also more importantly, through their presence and how they go about their daily life.

Practitioners at EIAB live together with the monastic community and directly profit from the collective energy of mindfulness and concentration. To be surrounded by a harmonious community is the best support for those who wish to apply mindfulness in their daily lives.

Buddhism as taught at EIAB is not religion. Buddhist teachings are offered in a very practical, non-religious way, and practitioners of any – or no – religious background can benefit from learning them and putting them into practice.

All programs are offered either by monastic or lay Dharma Teachers who have been selected as teachers based on their stability in the practice and ability to lead a happy life. Guest teachers who are proficient in certain subjects and the art of mindful living are from time to time invited to lead a program.

EIAB courses are open to all who wish to improve the quality of their own lives and those of their families and communities.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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