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Days of Mindfulness

You are welcome to join us for Days of Mindfulness. These days offer a small taste of Plum Village mindfulness practice. If you are travelling from further afield, we recommend that you stay with us for at least a weeklong retreat, so you can have a complete introduction to...

Carta abierta:
Un llamamiento a la paz

Querida familia humana, Somos testigos de la tragedia de la guerra que continúa desarrollándose diariamente en Ucrania, y abrimos nuestros corazones al sufrimiento de las personas jóvenes y mayores. Como comunidad internacional de budismo comprometido en la tradición de Plum Village, observamos la guerra con dolor y alarma. En...

Plum Village Practice Centers

The ten practice centers and monasteries listed below all practice in the Plum Village tradition and under the direct guidance of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Our centers are open throughout the year, for short or long stays, to learn the art of mindful living.

Los Cinco Entrenamientos De La Plena Consciencia

The Five Mindfulness Trainings have their root in the Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into every area of life. Rather than hard and fast rules, they offer us a framework to reflect on...

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings are a modern distillation of the traditional Bodhisattva precepts of Mahayana Buddhism, and were created by Thich Nhat Hanh in Saigon in 1966. Monastics and lay friends who have made a vow in a formal ceremony, to receive, study and observe these fourteen trainings are known as «Members of the Order of...

Mindfulness Apps

The Plum Village App allows us to take Plum Village with us wherever we go. We also suggest other meditation apps which can support our mindfulness practice.

Wake Up network (young adults)

Wake Up is an active global community of young mindfulness practitioners, aged 18-35, inspired by the teachings of Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. We come together to practice mindfulness in order to take care of ourselves, nourish happiness and contribute to building a healthier and a...

Wake Up Schools – mindfulness in education

Wake Up Schools supports educators to bring the practices of mindfulness and applied ethics into their own lives so they may be happy and free, and so they may in turn share these practices with colleagues and students in their school communities. With mindfulness teachers and students can experience...

The Order of Interbeing

The Order of Interbeing, Tiep Hien in Vietnamese, is a community of monastics and lay people who have committed to living their lives in accord with the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings, a distillation of the Bodhisattva (Enlightened Being) teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. View Page Established by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh...

The Organic Happy Farms

Plum Village has started three small, diversified, organic vegetable farms: one in the Upper Hamlet (with the monks and lay men), one in the Lower Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women) and one in the New Hamlet (with the nuns and lay women). You are a gardener, and you have...

The Mindfulness Bell

The Mindfulness Bell is a journal of the art of mindful living. It is an inspiration and teaching resource for those practicing mindfulness in daily life. Each issue features a teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. Also included are stories and teachings by teachers and students in this lineage, based...

Prácticas para el Funeral de Thay

Selección de cantos, meditaciones, enseñanzas, lecturas, canciones, caligrafías y fotos, para apoyar tu práctica en casa o con una sangha local, mientras generamos la energía de Plena Consciencia y compasión en memoria de nuestro maestro Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay). Únase también a nuestro servicio conmemorativo colectivo de cinco días,...


Con una respiración profunda y consciente, anunciamos que nuestro amado maestro Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh falleció pacíficamente el 22 de enero de 2022. Únase a nosotros en línea para conmemorar su vida y legado con una semana de práctica y ceremonias. Qué está pasando Compartir desde el corazón...

Deer Park Monastery

This 400-acre sanctuary rests peacefully in the chaparral mountains of southern California, surrounded and protected by oaks and the natural landscape.

Healing Spring Monastery

Healing Spring Monastery (Monastère de la Source Guérissante), is a new Plum Village practice center that opened its doors in 2018. It is a charming rural refuge, located in Verdelot in the countryside east of Paris. The buildings were once a 19th Century convent.

Cómo mirar

En este título de la colección «Esenciales del mindfulness» se trata de la manera en la que creamos percepciones equivocadas, cómo lograr una visión profunda y cómo pueden ayudarnos las prácticas de plena conciencia a vernos a nosotros mismos y al mundo con mayor claridad. A través de breves...

Cómo luchar

Aprende a relajar las ataduras de la ira, el apego y el engaño gracias a la plena conciencia y la amabilidad dirigidas hacia uno mismo y hacia los demás. En esta ocasión, Nhat Hanh aporta su particular claridad, compasión y sentido del humor a los actos movidos por la...

Un canto de amor a la Tierra

Thich Nhat Hanh ha sido desde los años setenta una voz pionera en ecología espiritual, y ha aportado un nuevo concepto de interser que expresa de forma brillante y clara la interconexión de todo lo que existe. En Un canto de amor a la Tierra hace un llamamiento a...


Thich Nhat Hanh’s Zen calligraphies have been exhibited in North America, Europe and Asia. These eloquent ink artworks capture his insights, peace, and gentle compassion. In my calligraphy, there is ink, tea, breathing, mindfulness and concentration. This is meditation. This is not work. Suppose I write ‘breathe’; I am...

Libros esenciales

Thich Nhat Hanh ha publicado en inglés más de 100 títulos de temáticas que abarcan desde manuales clásicos sobre meditación, la práctica de la plena conciencia y el budismo comprometido hasta poesía, cuentos para niños y comentarios a textos budistas ancestrales. Son reflejo de toda una vida de enseñanza,...

Enseñanzas Clave

Las enseñanzas de Thich Nhat Hanh sobre la Plena Consciencia, el «interser» y la ética comprometida han abierto nuevos caminos para meditadores, pacifistas, activistas, educadores, empresarios y políticos de todo el mundo. Plena Consciencia Thich Nhat Hanh comenzó a enseñar la Plena Consciencia en occidente a principios de la...

Prensa & Medios

Explore documentos sobre la vida y la influencia de Thich Nhat Hanh, incluyendo fotografías de alta resolución, hojas informativas y sesiones informativas para periodistas, un archivo de entrevistas y declaraciones públicas. Desde que sufrió un accidente cerebrovascular grave en 2014, Thich Nhat Hanh, lamentablemente, ya no puede dar entrevistas....


En Saborear, maestro zen de fama mundial Thich Nhat Hanh y la nutricionista de Harvard Dra. Lilian Cheung nos muestran la manera de poner fin a nuestra lucha con la balanza de una vez por todas. Los autores nos ofrecen herramientas prácticas como establecer objetivos personalizados, una detallada guía...

Thay’s 92nd Birthday

As we celebrate Thay’s 92nd continuation day on 11th October, we'd like to take this opportunity to share with you how our beloved Teacher has been doing in Thailand.


Please enjoy talks given by Thich Nhat Hanh and senior Plum Village Dharma Teachers. You can currently find Plum Village talks on our YouTube channel and on the Plum Village app while we work on an improved experience on our website.

Dharma Teachers

Here are profiles of our senior Dharma Teachers who regularly offer teachings at Plum Village France. Becoming a Dharma Teacher Dharma Teachers (Dharmachāryas) are members of the community who have been selected as teachers because they have extensive spiritual practice and the prerequisites for a happy life. Zen Master...

Thay visits Vietnam for a few days

We are very happy to confirm that earlier today, 29th August 2017, at 12h35 local time, our dear Teacher landed safely at Đà Nẵng airport in Vietnam. This is his first visit to Vietnam since 2008.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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