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La paz y la felicidad van de la mano

Mientras nos preparamos para celebrar el día de la continuación de nuestro maestro Thây el 11 de octubre, nos gustaría ofrecerles este compartir de la hermana Giác Nghiêm, una de nuestras queridas hermanas mayores francófonas. Nos transporta a Plum Village en sus primeros días, a ese mundo mágico donde...

Carta a nuestro querido maestro Thay

Nos gustaría compartir con vostros esta carta que escribimos para nuestro maestro Thây, y que leímos en la tercera ceremonia conmemorativa en su honor, el 19 de enero en Upper Hamlet. Querido y amado Thay Mientras estamos sentados en el suave abrazo de nuestra Sangha global de Plum Village,...

Engaged Buddhism / Cómo comprometerse sin enredarse

Por Larry Ward El maestro del Dharma laico Larry Ward comparte su experiencia sobre cómo afrontar nuestras experiencias traumáticas para poder estar plenamente donde se nos necesita. No es fácil enfrentarse al sufrimiento en nosotros mismos y en nuestro mundo. Hace varios años, cuando nuestra casa fue bombardeada por...

Sutra / Sutra / ¿Hemos comprendido a Buda? (Parte II)

En este artículo seguimos explorando las formas de estudiar y practicar el budismo(metodología budista) para ayudarnos a convertirnos en almas gemelas de Buda. Las Dos Verdades二諦 Verdad relativa (saṃvṛti-satya) 世俗諦 Ésta es la verdad convencional, una verdad relativa basada en conceptos acordados: «nosotros» y «ellos», vida y muerte, principio...

La convergencia de los sueños

Queridos amigos en el camino, Espero que disfruten de esta pintura digital inspirada en el relato que hizo Thay de su sueño en el que era un estudiante de música que tenía que actuar ante el público de una universidad. Empecé a imaginarlo una mañana, después de despertarme de...

Carta abierta:
Un llamamiento a la paz

Querida familia humana, Somos testigos de la tragedia de la guerra que continúa desarrollándose diariamente en Ucrania, y abrimos nuestros corazones al sufrimiento de las personas jóvenes y mayores. Como comunidad internacional de budismo comprometido en la tradición de Plum Village, observamos la guerra con dolor y alarma. En...

Noticias de Thay este otoño en Hue.

Querida y amada comunidad Dentro de unas semanas, el 11 de octubre, Thay cumplirá 94 años. Estamos muy contentos de que Thay esté con nosotros aún después de su derrame cerebral masivo hace casi seis años, y que continúe ofreciéndonos su presencia, estabilidad y testimonio, mientras nosotros seguimos  avanzando...

Thay travels to Bangkok for health check-ups

1st December, 2019 Dear Beloved Community, We’re happy to announce that on Thursday 28th November, Thay traveled from Huế, Vietnam to Bangkok, Thailand for a full medical check-up in Bangkok. The trip and hospital visit went smoothly. Yesterday morning, Thay decided to travel on to visit our community at...

Thich Nhat Hanh turns 93

Dear Beloved Community, We are very happy to share that today Thay has been celebrating his 93rd birthday at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, his “Root Temple” where he first entered the monkhood aged sixteen.  Over the last few days, Thay’s monastic students from across Vietnam have been...

Thay’s 92nd Birthday

As we celebrate Thay’s 92nd continuation day on 11th October, we'd like to take this opportunity to share with you how our beloved Teacher has been doing in Thailand.

Report on Thay’s progress in San Francisco

We are happy to be able to share that Thay is benefitting from the best of Western, Eastern, conventional, and alternative medical approaches. Thay is receiving acupuncture every day, as well as physical therapy, speech therapy, osteopathy, and neurofeedback, with the support and oversight of a phenomenal team of...

Thay has travelled to San Francisco for treatment

Thay has been able to communicate more clearly a very strong wish to intensify his recovery program. Thay is very determined to do everything possible to recover both his physical movement and speech. After many options were presented to Thay, he made a clear decision to travel to the...

Thay’s recovery continues in Plum Village

We are happy to report that Thay's health has improved greatly since he returned from hospital to his Plum Village Hermitage in early April. Every day Thay has been out in nature, enjoying the blossoms, listening to the birds and resting at the foot of a tree. Thay enjoys...

Thay returns to Plum Village

This week the medical team have given their approval for Thay to leave the rehabilitation clinic and return to his Hermitage at Plum Village. We are deeply grateful to the entire medical team at the University Hospital in Bordeaux for their professionalism and wholehearted care to support Thay’s healing...

Thay transfers to Bordeaux rehabilitation clinic

The team of monastic attendants work closely with doctors, nurses and professional therapists, and accompany Thay twenty-four hours a day, offering massage, acupuncture and comfort care, and helping Thay with his physical training. Thay is steadily recovering his strength and rebuilding his muscles day by day. We have been...

Thay emerges into wakefulness

In the last three weeks Thay has gradually emerged into wakefulness, and has his eyes open for much of the day, to the point where the doctors can now say that he is no longer in a coma. Thay is able to recognize familiar faces and is very responsive...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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