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Setelah terkena strok pada tahun 2014, Thich Nhat Hanh tidak dapat memberikan wawancara. Sekarang beliau direpresentasikan oleh murid-murid senior beliau dan tim pers internasional.
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Thich Nhat Hanh Returns Home
Thay’s recovery continues in Plum Village
Thay returns to Plum Village
Thay transfers to Bordeaux rehabilitation clinic
Thay emerges into wakefulness
Thich Nhat Hanh, 11 Oktober 1926-22 Januari 2022
Berita Musim Gugur Mengenai Thầy di Huế
Thay returns to Vietnam after health check-ups in Thailand
Thay travels to Bangkok for health check-ups
Thich Nhat Hanh turns 93
Thay and the Sangha preparing for Lunar New Year
Thich Nhat Hanh Returns Home
Thay’s 92nd Birthday
Thay visits Vietnam for a few days
Thich Nhat Hanh arrives in Thailand
Thay returns to France
A Christmas update from San Francisco
Report on Thay’s progress in San Francisco
Thay has travelled to San Francisco for treatment
Thay’s recovery continues in Plum Village
Thay returns to Plum Village
Thay transfers to Bordeaux rehabilitation clinic
Thay emerges into wakefulness
Thay’s survival astounds the doctors, but he remains in a coma
Thay’s condition stabilises
Thay remains in intensive care
Thay remains in a critical condition in hospital
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Kehidupan Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh sewaktu berusia 16 tahun di Huế, Vietnam
Foto ini diambil pada sekitar tahun 1942, sesaat setelah beliau menerima penahbisan Shramanera memasuki kehidupan monastik.
틱낫한 스님과 학생들
Beliau mengajar di Institut Buddhis Ấn Quang di Saigon.
비구 수계식 이후의 틱낫한 스님, 1951
틱낫한 스님은 친구, 동료들과 함께 농촌 발전을 위한 사회 사업 프로그램을 개발하고 사회 봉사 청소년 학교를 설립하였습니다.
Bersama dengan teman dan koleganya, Thich Nhat Hanh mengembangkan program kerja sosial untuk membangun pedesaan dan mendirikan Sekolah Pemuda untuk Pelayanan Sosial (School of Youth for Social Service) “
1960년대 초 촬영된 사진
Di saat ini beliau baru saja mendirikan Universitas Van Hanh, Penerbit La Boi Press, School of Youth for Social Service (Sekolah Pemuda untuk Pelayanan Sosial), dan Ordo Baru – Interbeing (berlandaskan sila bodhisattva tradisional). Pada saat ini, dia adalah Pemimpin Redaksi majalah Buddhis terkemuka, menerbitkan lebih dari 50.000 eksemplar setiap minggu.
공항에서의 틱낫한 스님
Thich Nhat Hanh pergi ke AS untuk menyuarakan perdamaian pada tahun 1966.
공동 기자회견장에서. 1966년 5월 31일 시카고 세라톤 호텔.
Bersama dengan Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., pada konferensi pers tentang perang di Vietnam di Chicago, 31 Mei 1966.
전쟁의 종식에 대한 연설, 1966년 초
Menyuarakan perdamaian sekitar tahun 1966
틱낫한 스님과 찬콩 스님이 베트남의 보트 난민들을 구하기 위해 대여한 롤랜드 호
Pengungsi Vietnam di atas kapal Roland, sebuah kapal yang disewa oleh Thich Nhat Hanh dan rekan-rekannya untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang dari laut lepas di Singapura pada tahun 1976.
차를 마시는 틱낫한 스님, 1970년 경
Diasingkan karena berani pergi ke luar negeri untuk menyerukan perdamaian pada tahun 1966, beliau memimpin Delegasi Perdamaian Buddhis pada Perundingan Perdamaian Paris.”
고구마 공동체에서 밭을 일구고 계신 틱낫한 스님, 1970년
Thich Nhat Hanh dan rekan-rekannya serta murid-muridnya tinggal menepi di perkebunan kecil pada tahun 1975. Setelah Perundingan Perdamaian Paris berakhir dengan Kesepakatan Perdamaian Paris, Thich Nhat Hanh tidak diberi kesempatan lagi untuk kembali ke Vietnam.”
Lewis Richmond, Richard Baker Roshi, 틱낫한 (왼쪽부터)
Thich Nhat Hanh (sebelah kanan) pada Pawai Perdamaian di Kota New York, 17 Juni 1982.
틱낫한 스님과 해바라기 꽃, 초기 플럼 빌리지
Thich Nhat Hanh dan murid-muridnya menemukan tanah di barat daya Prancis, tempat mereka mendirikan pusat latihan sadar-penuh Plum Village pada tahun 1982.”
1980년 대의 플럼 빌리지
Bersantai dengan komunitasnya di Plum Village, barat daya Prancis (akhir tahun 1980-an atau awal tahun 1990-an).
플럼 빌리지 어퍼 햄릿 명상홀, 1990
Thich Nhat Hanh membangun aula meditasi yang sebelumnya adalah bangunan-bangunan tua bekas lahan pertanian, dan mulai mengajarkan meditasi untuk generasi pertama di Barat.
틱낫한 스님은 35년 동안 가르침을 펼친 이후, 1988년이 되어서야 승려 제자들을 받아들여 출가시키기 시작하셨습니다.
Thich Nhat Hanh baru mulai menahbiskan murid monastik pertamanya pada tahun 1988, setelah 35 tahun mengajar.
베트남 후에의 뜨 히우 사원에서, 2005
Pada tahun 2005 Thich Nhat Hanh akhirnya diizinkan kembali ke Vietnam setelah 39 tahun diasingkan. Di foto ini beliau memasuki gerbang di “”wihara asal beliau (root temple)”” untuk pertama kalinya sejak kepergiannya dari Vietnam pada Mei 1966.
전통적인 탁발 의식을 이끄시는 틱낫한 스님, 2005년 베트남
보리수를 심고 계신 틱낫한 스님,
틱낫한 스님은 불교 생태 운동의 선두주자입니다. 스님께서 2008년 인도 히말라야 산맥 지역의 무소리에 보리수를 심고 있습니다.
인도 방문중이신 틱낫한 싄ㅁ, 2008
Transmisi sila di tempat terbuka di Puncak Gṛdhrakūṭa, salah satu situs suci Buddha.
걷기 명상을 이끄시는 틱낫한 스님, 2009
틱낫한 스님은 ‘서양에서 가장 존경받는 스승’중 한 분이십니다.
종소리를 초대하는
종소리를 초대하는 (플럼 빌리지에서는 ‘종을 울린다’라는 표현 대신 ‘종소리를 초대한다’라고 표현합니다) 틱낫한 스님
인도네시아 방문, 2010
2010년 틱낫한 스님은 아시아에서 주목을 받습니다. 홍콩, 태국, 한국, 대만, 인도네시아 등에서 열린 그의 연설과 강의에 수천 명이 모였습니다.
걷기 명상을 이끄시는 모습, 말레이시아 2010년
2008년 설립된 독일의 EIAB (유럽 응용 불교 연구소)
틱낫한 스님은 100여권이 넘는 책을 출판하셨습니다.
Beliau telah menulis lebih dari 100 buku yang berupa puisi, fiksi, terjemahan sutra, Latihan untuk Agama Buddha Terapan, dan buku pegangan meditasi.
계속하여 늘어나는 제자 승려들과 함께 발우 공양 하시는 모습입니다. 틱낫한 스님은 맨 앞쪽에 계십니다.
계속하여 늘어나는 제자 승려들과 함께 발우 공양 하시는 모습입니다. 틱낫한 스님은 맨 앞쪽에 계십니다.
앉기 명상을 이끄시는 모습, 런던 트라팔가 광장. 2012년 3월 31일
Thich Nhat Hanh memimpin meditasi duduk yang diikuti oleh lebih dari 3.000 orang di jantung ibu kota Inggris.
홍콩 경기장에서의 법문, 2013년
Thich Nhat Hanh memberikan ceramah kepada lebih dari 10.000 penonton.
관세음보살 찬불가를 이끌고 계신 모습, 홍콩 2013년
Komunitas Thich Nhat Hanh mendaraskan nama Awalokiteshwara, Bodhisattwa Maha Welas Asih.
홍콩에서 제자들이 이야기 하는 모습을 듣고 계신 틱낫한 스님
서예 전시회에서의 틱낫한 스님, 뉴욕 브로드웨이. 2013녀
ABC Home에서 열린 틱낫한 스님의 서예전시회에서의 모습.
2013년 세계은행 총재인 짐 킴과 함께 하고 계신 모습
어린이를 위한 법문중이신 틱낫한 스님, 플럼 빌리지 어퍼햄릿에서. 2014년
홍콩대학에서의 명예박사 수여식에서, 2014년
Pada tahun 2012, Thich Nhat Hanh membuat program pelatihan bagi para guru, untuk membawa “”etika terapan”” sekuler ke dalam kelas.
행복을 만드는 법과 고통을 다루는 법에 대한 법문중이신 스님, 2010
Pesan Thich Nhat Hanh berfokus pada bagaimana memupuk sukacita dan kebahagiaan, dan bagaimana menangani rasa sakit dan derita.
플럼 빌리지에서 걷기 명상을 이끌고 계신 모습, 프랑스 플럼 빌리지 2014년
타이의 92세 생신, 태국 플럼빌리지
Setelah mengalami stroke parah pada November 2014, Thich Nhat Hanh pindah ke Thailand untuk bergabung dengan murid-muridnya yang kebanyakan berusia muda dari Vietnam, di pusat meditasi barunya Plum Village Thailand.
베트남 뜨 히우 사원에서, 2018년 10월 28일
Beliau memutuskan untuk kembali ke wihara asalnya untuk menghabiskan hari-harinya yang tersisa.

The Life Story of Thich Nhat Hanh
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet, and peace activist, renowned for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. A gentle, humble…
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High-resolution photos, available for download and re-use with permission. See individual photos for details.

Thich Nhat Hanh teaching village children in rural Vietnam, 1964.
Thich Nhat Hanh pioneered Buddhist engagement in social work and rural development, founding in 1965 the School of Youth for Social Service in Vietnam, a kind of Peace Corps. Here he is in October 1964 teaching rural children to read and write using a song about the bodhisattva of compassion.

In 1966, Thich Nhat Hanh traveled to the US to call for peace.
Desperate to find the roots of the war in Vietnam, Thich Nhat Hanh traveled to the US and another 18 countries to call for peace in 1966-67. But the price of his courage was exile – an exile that was to last 39 years.

Thich Nhat Hanh in 1966
Thich Nhat Hanh was a leading figure in the Buddhist peace movement in Vietnam. In the year before this photo was taken, he had founded Van Hanh University, a publishing house (La Boi Press), the School of Youth for Social Service, and a new Buddhist Order (the Order of Interbeing).

Thich Nhat Hanh is a renowned Buddhist scholar
Thich Nhat Hanh has made modern English, French and Vietnamese translations of some of Buddhism’s most important texts, including the Heart Sutra, the Anapanasati and Satipatthana Sutras, and the Buddhist monastic code.

Thich Nhat Hanh, New Hamlet Buddha Hall (Plum Village)
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Dharma Teacher in the Vietnamese Zen Tradition of the Liễu Quán Dharma line in the 42nd generation of the Linji (Rinzai) School.

Preparing the Hall for Meditation – Plum Village, France
With over 200 resident monks and nuns, Plum Village has the largest Buddhist monastic community in the West.

Thich Nhat Hanh with Theravada monks in Thailand in 2007
Thich Nhat Hanh’s modernised Buddhist teachings have been well received in Thailand, in particular at the Mahachulalongkorn University, the world’s largest Buddhist university.

Thich Nhat Hanh leads sitting meditation in Trafalgar Square, London
Over 4,000 people joined a guided sitting meditation led by Thich Nhat Hanh in the heart of the capital on 31st March, 2012.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. marching in 1967 under a Vietnamese banner with a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh
The banner reads: “Men are not our enemies. If we kill men, with whom shall we live?” Thich Nhat Hanh had first written to Dr. King with this question in 1965. They met for the first time a year later, in 1966 in Chicago, and again in May 1967 in Geneva. Dr. King decisively came out against the war in a speech in NYC on April 4 1967, and quoted Thich Nhat Hanh in that speech.

March for nuclear disarmament, New York City, 17 June 1982.
Thich Nhat Hanh was in New York in 1982 to lead a meditation and mindfulness retreat, and together everyone on the retreat joined the march. L to R: Lewis Richmond, Richard Baker Roshi, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Several years later, Thich Nhat Hanh reflected, “There was a lot of anger in the peace movement. We should not walk “for” peace. We should “be” peace as we walk.”
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One of Buddhism’s truly international spokespeople
TIME magazine
The most beloved Buddhist teacher in the West
Alice Walker
The Other Dalai Lama
The Times of London
An Apostle of peace and nonviolence
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Zen Master Who Fills Stadiums
The Independent (London)
The most important figure in Western Buddhism
Jeff Wilson, “Mindful America” (2014)
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