Buddha Mind, Buddha Body

Walking Toward Enlightenment

In this book Thich Nhat Hanh explores the connection between psychology, neuroscience, and meditation. It opens with the question: Is free will possible? Which becomes a leitmotif as Thich Nhat Hanh explores how the mind functions and how we can work with it to cultivate more freedom and understanding, be in closer touch with reality, and create the conditions for our own happiness. Buddha Mind, Buddha Body continues and reviews the material in the book Understanding Our Mind.

He discuss the importance of creativity and visualisation in a successful meditation practice, presents basic Buddhist practices (in particular walking meditation and sitting meditation), and writes about the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood in finding love, happiness, and living harmoniously with others.

Buddha Mind, Buddha Body is punctuated with stories from the life of the Buddha as well as stories and observations from Thich Nhat Hanh’s own life.

Publication Date:
March 10, 2007
Parallax Press