“Why did you become a nun?”
The sisters of Plum Village smile to that question, because we know that what you are truly asking is – “How do I find my path in life?”
We would like to invite you to come and spend a week in the Lower Hamlet, sitting, walking, eating, relaxing, working, singing, and playing in mindfulness. We will learn how to still the mind to hear our deepest calling. There will be time dedicated to answering your questions, but more importantly, time for you to savor a simple and spiritual life and see whether it is what you are searching for.
This retreat is catered for young women aged 18-35 years with an interest in monastic life. As there are only 30 places available, we give priority to retreatants who live in Europe. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Find out more
- Read about becoming a monastic and see photos of Plum Village community life
- Interview with the “Mimosa” novices who ordained in January 2022