Library / Chants


Chants 18 Items

Chant of Praise & Aspiration

A flower held up speaks wonderfully. Its five petals have a special fragrance. The Dharma Treasure is transmitted from India and continued in the Mind-Seal school in China. May all generations of Ancestral Teachers, residing in the Nirvana of the Wonderful Mind, seated high on the precious Dharma throne,...

Listening To The Bell

“With body, speech and mind in perfect oneness, I send my heart along with the sound of this bell…” Brother Phap Linh was encouraged by Thay (Thich Nhat Hanh) to use “local material” to compose music. This piece became like a meeting of two ancient traditions of Celtic Christianity...

Br Pháp Linh

April 25, 2021

From the Depths of Understanding

A Dharma nectar drop on the willow branch of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is a symbol of her great compassion to cool down the suffering of all beings. You are invited to listen to a beautiful chant “From the depths of understanding” to water the seed of understanding and compassion...

January 27, 2021

Discourse on Love

Just as a mother loves and protects her only child at the risk of her own life, we should cultivate boundless love to offer to all living beings in the entire cosmos. This translation of the Discourse on Love has been prepared by Thich Nhat Hanh from the Metta Sutta, Sutta Nipata...

October 23, 2020

Heart Sutra

“The Insight That Brings Us To the Other Shore”

September 28, 2020

The Sutra of the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore (Heart Sutra)

The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra is the essence of Buddhist teaching. It is recited daily in Mahayana temples and practice centers throughout the world. Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) has offered commentary and teachings on this sutra several times. The most recent teachings were given in August 2014. Thay revised...

August 31, 2020

Invoking the Buddha and Bodhisattvas’ names

Bodhisattvas are awakened beings. We also have our nature of awakening, no less than they, but we have to train ourselves. One way is to practice invoking the names of four great bodhisattvas—Avalokiteshvara (Regarder of the Cries of the World), Manjushri (Great Understanding), Samantabhadra (Universal Good­ness), and Kshitigarbha (Earth...

July 23, 2020

The Great Bell Chant

In Plum Village Practice centers worldwide, we chant the Great Bell Chant every day. The sound of the Great Bell is so beautiful and helps us to calm our mind, relax our body. We come back to our true home and generate compassion for all living beings. We send...

Thich Nhat Hanh, Br Phap Niem

July 19, 2020

The Great Bell Chant (full version)

In Plum Village Practice centers worldwide, we chant the Great Bell Chant every day. The sound of the Great Bell is so beautiful and helps us to calm our mind, relax our body. We come back to our true home and generate compassion for all living beings. We send...

Sr Mai Nghiem

July 19, 2020

From the Depths of Understanding (Vietnamese version)

A Dharma nectar drop on the willow branch of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is a symbol of her great compassion to cool down the suffering of all beings. You are invited to listen to a powerful Vietnamese version of “From the depths of understanding” to water the seed of understanding...

July 9, 2020

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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