This will be a peer-facilitated and peer-led retreat by members of the Wake Up community, with invited Plum Village monastics and Dharma Teachers to offer the Dharma Talks and guided meditations.
The Wake Up Catch Up Retreat is a 3-day weekend online program with the monastics of Plum Village, offered for young people aged 18-35. This simple and light schedule will allow you to stop, rest, be present, and be nourished by the energy of peace and togetherness.
Together we will explore the topic: “How to be brave and face life through the basic mindfulness practice?”

This Retreat will give us an opportunity to come back to ourselves, and practice mindfulness in our daily lives. It’s a great source of happiness to be able to practice as a community, as a group, to be present for each other, be mindful together, support each other, and also have quality time with ourselves.
Some elements will be “live”, and some of them will be pre-recorded.
Please share the word and invite your friends – experienced or non-experienced – and be sure to book early as we still have to limit the available number of places.
We look forward to seeing you!
[Please note: this is a “light-touch” online retreat and is organised in a different way to many of the previous Plum Village online retreats.]
The Retreat Schedule
*all times are Paris time

Friday, 2. September 2022
Morning sitting in silence (15 min) – self-organized
19.00 (Paris time) Guided sitting meditation (10 min) *Live*
20 min break + live music
19.30 (Paris time) Dharma-Talk + Q&A (60 min) – Sr Dinh Nghiem *Live*
Deep relaxation to end the day – self-organized

Saturday, 3. September 2022
14.30 (Paris time) Guided Sitting Meditation (30 mins) *Live*
15 min break
15.15 (Paris time) Dharma Talk + Question and Answer (75 mins) – Larry & Peggy Ward *Live*
Deep Relaxation to end of the day – self-organized

Sunday, 4. September 2022
10.00 (Paris time) Dharma Sharing Groups (90 mins) *Live*
14.30 (Paris time) Guided Sitting Meditation (30 mins) *Live*
15 min break
15.15 (Paris time) Dharma Talk + Question and Answer (75 mins) – Sister Lang Nghiem *Live *
Deep Relaxation to end of the day – self-organized
Dharma Sharing
There will be limited space for Dharma Sharing. It is a practice session in small groups of 20 people where we share our experience in the practice and connect with each other with loving speech and deep listening. Once you register, you will receive an email with a link to sign up for this session, which is optional.
[Note : There is only one session of Dharma Sharing and the last sign-up will be 2 days before the program starts, if the space is still available.]
Contribution and Registration
This is a donation-based program. The suggested amount is €38 but you can offer a donation according to your financial condition. Your generosity will support the life of the monastery.
It’s easy to participate in this program, here are the steps:
- Fill up the registration form.
- Make a donation
- Receive confirmation with information and instructions to guide you through this program!
- Enjoy the activities.
You can continue to register until Saturday in the retreat period.
In case you can’t join one of the talks, all the talks and meditations will be recorded and uploaded right after for those who registered. They will be available until the 15th September for you to watch.
Frequently asked questions:
Q: I may miss one of the sessions, is that a problem?
A: That is completely fine. All the talks and Meditations will be recorded and sent to you by email. They will be available until the 15th September for you to watch.
Q: Could I please find out if the schedule is in European Standard Time?
A: The activities of this retreat are listed in “Paris Time”. Please use this website to convert in any other timezone.
Q: How strict are you with the age restrictions?
A: If you consider yourself as belonging to the Wake Up spirit, feel free to join and in the registration form chose that you are between 18 and 35.
Q: I’m not sure if I receive a confirmation e-mail first and then make a donation?
A: You will find the donation link on the website just after after you submit your registration and you will also receive a reminder in the confirmation e-mail.
For any other questions please contact the organising team at