Photos / Biennial June Retreat 2024

We have just completed the June retreat at Plum Village France, with nearly 600 practitioners coming together. The theme of our retreat was “An Ancient Path for Modern Times: Applied Ethics.”

It was a profound experience enriched with numerous Dharma talks, Panel sharings, Dharma sharing sessions, walking meditation, sitting meditation, and eating meditation, among other activities.

We also had four live sessions, allowing our friends around the world to join us in sending our love and spiritual energy to support all Palestinians, Israelis, and other peoples caught up in the tragedy of the latest conflict in the Middle East. Our prayer is also for Ukrainians, Russians, the people of Sudan and all who presently suffer from war. 

During the retreat we also held ceremonies for the transmission of the Five Mindfulness Trainings and Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings.

We would like to share these captured moments with everyone.

(Photo credit: Rob Walsh and the PV Photo team)

While walking meditation at Upper Hamlet Buddha Hill

14 Mindfulness trainings transmission ceremony

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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