Meditation & Hiking Retreat – Enjoying the Countryside

The Miracle is to walk on Planet Earth

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child — our own two eyes. All is a miracle.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Important information :

  • Arrival Day : Thursday, July 10, 2025 (check in starts at 15h00)
  • Departure Day: Wednesday, July 16, 2025 (after breakfast)
  • Good physical condition to walk/hike
  • A backpack, good shoes for walking, waterproof in case raining.
  • We will hike more or less 2 hours almost every day, There will be different groups from gentle to fast walk.
  • Venue : around Healing Spring Monastery (map) in Verdelot
  • Language: English only
  • Dharma Teacher : Healing Spring Monastic Dharma Teacher 
  • Meal : 3 meals a day (vegan)
  • For All Genders 18 and above

Only if you have participated a retreat in Plum Village or Healing Spring Monastery before

What is this retreat about?

It’s summer…. It’s time to go outside !, let’s join us in 6-day Hiking Retreat. It’s the time to rest, renew, and connect deeply with Nature, Mother Earth. This program is specifically offered by the monks of Healing Spring Monastery, a Plum Village Practice Center in countryside of Verdelot, 1,5 hours from Paris City.

The activities are designed to help participants to practice and generate the energy mindfulness together with monks. This Retreat is helping all of us to come back to ourselves, recognizing the miracle of life through walking in the nature. The activities of the retreat include hiking +/-2 hours, sitting meditation,walking meditation, deep relaxation, eating meditation, Teaching, exploring ethics, sharing from the heart to heart.

Mindful Meals

This practice will be one of our key practice in this retreat, we will eat simple meal each day, a very light breakfast and dinner, and lunch will be our principle meal, cooked dish and various kinds of raw fresh vegetables, seeds and nuts. You may bring your own favorite nuts in case of allergies or you need high protein diet. All our meal will be prepared in mindfulness by our volunteers team.

We won’t hike on Wednesday, we’ll have a chance to practice one full day, taking time to arrive and to connect. Our mornings usually begin around 6:30 AM, and noble silence begins at 9:30 PM until the next morning, after the breakfast dishes have been washed.

Children and teenagers are welcome but the parents have to take full responsibility on them because we don’t curate children and teens program in Healing Spring Monastery. We’ll have also circle sharing session which some discussions may not be suitable for under 18. A part from this, they may participate almost all activities.

Please note that this is not a silent retreat for the entire day.

(Note: All of our programs embrace the nature of impermanence, if the condition is not sufficient the elements of the retreat may be adjusted, be rescheduled or be canceled)


The contribution for the retreat depends on your financial situation, with your reservation confirmed after payment. If you can, We encourage choosing a higher contribution rate, as it supports our mission of peace, monastery upkeep, and the monastic communities. It also helps participants facing financial difficulties. Although we don’t offer 100% reduction, we provide reductions based on individual needs. If you really need assistance, after booking, even if the scholarship rate is no longer available, please feel free to contact us for support.

We don’t want financial difficulties to be a barrier to practice.

Thank you very much for your generosity & support.

Sign Up now…

Being volunteers :

Being Participants :

The registration will be available on March 15th

Contribution Rate: After answering the questions using the yellow buttons, select your preferred rate type. Then, go to the bottom of the page and click "See Availability". Read the rate details.

Once you register you will be guided through the whole process step by step.

Important information : 

Contact us

Key resources

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

00:00 / 00:00
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