Dharma Talks

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This Dharma Talk was recorded on June 3, 2024 in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village France. It is the 2nd talk of the series of talks given in the 2024 June Retreat held in Plum Village, France, with the theme: “”Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Applied Ethics.” Sister Định Nghiêm…
Sr Định Nghiêm

Finding Our True Home
Where is our true home? Is it a particular place with particular people within a particular culture? What if we had to leave our “home”? Or lost the people we held most dear? Or grew up in a culture vastly different to that of our parents’? In this deeply…
Sr Định Nghiêm

“How to be Happy as a River”: The Second Dharma Seal of Plum Village (40 Years Retreat #3)
Have you ever felt a sense of deep belonging to a group with a shared aspiration and way of living? Did you feel safe enough to entrust yourself in that group and flow together in the same direction? How can we “go as a river” in a way that…
Sr Định Nghiêm

The Four Noble Truths – Vulture Peak Gathering
Sr. Đinh Nghiem offers a teaching on the Four Noble Truths from Lower Hamlet, Plum Village. This is Part 1 of the dharma talk during the 21 Day Retreat. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/NqGB/