Nourishing our roots – retreat for young Asians in the west

When you ask the question, ‘Who am I?’ – if you have enough time and concentration – you may find some surprising answers. You may see that you are a continuation of your ancestors.

Thich Nhat Hanh

We would like to invite young Asian people who were born or grew up or have taken roots in the west to explore these questions together during a one-week retreat (May 3-10) in the Dharma Nectar Temple (“Lower Hamlet”).

Immersed in the sangha, we will practice walking, sitting, eating, working, listening, and sharing … with true presence and love, to look deeply into the questions of our heart and learn the meaning of nourishing our roots.

*The retreat will be led in English and Vietnamese, with translation into either of those two languages. We also welcome young friends from all Asian backgrounds who are fluent in English and/or Vietnamese.


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Talk by Sister Dinh Nghiem at the 2023 Retreat

More information about joining us for a retreat

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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