Join us for an inspiring five-day retreat online
As another challenging year comes to a close, we invite you to take refuge in spiritual community as we gather online to support and nourish each other, and take time to reflect on what we have learned and our aspirations moving forward.
We are all thirsty for peace, yet how is it possible to be peace amidst change and uncertainty? How can we feel truly at home and in harmony in our relationships? In the warm atmosphere of community we will explore the timeless practices of the Buddha that help us reconnect with ourselves, with others, and with nature. We will discover how each one of us can cultivate the peace of a quiet mind and awaken trust in the wonders of life.
Your true home is in the here and the now. It is not limited by time, space, nationality, or race. Your true home is not an abstract idea. It is something you can touch and live in every moment
Thich Nhat Hanh
This retreat is offered and hosted by monastics in Plum Village France. The retreat will be offered in English only.

A specially-curated five-day experience
Featuring guided meditations, relaxations, mindful movement and live talks from senior teachers

Connect live to an international community
Generating a collective energy of mindfulness

Intimate group interactions with monastics
Join a group of 16-20 people, guided by a monastic. These “Dharma Sharing” groups are a unique Plum Village offering and a highlight of the retreat. It’s a great way to enjoy live interaction, and to hear, learn, and connect deeply with people from many different countries and backgrounds. Dharma Sharing also provides a chance to ask questions to the monastics and receive guidance or recommendations for deepening your mindfulness practice. Please note that spaces are limited.
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Exclusive talks from senior teachers trained by Thich Nhat Hanh
Broadcast live from Plum Village Lower Hamlet, France

Wednesday, 29 December : Orientation – Stopping and Arriving
How can we touch peace amidst turbulence? How can we light up a spiritual dimension in moments where hope seems scarce? In this first talk, we will explore concrete ways to cultivate a refuge and safe island within. We’ll be guided to arrive deeply into the present moment and discover how mindfulness can help us create moments of true presence, peace, and light, both when we’re alone and when we’re with others.

Thursday, 30 December : Home, a journey inward
Our body and mind are a precious gift of life. They are the vehicle for our practice, for our meditation, for our inner journey. How can we have the happiness and courage we need to face the suffering in ourselves and the world around us? How can we transform feelings of loneliness and separation? In this second talk we will learn how to find the source of joy and vitality that lies deep in our consciousness so that we can be a messenger of peace and love in the world. Learning how to touch non-fear, trust and joy is an essential practice for us to be able to offer our presence in all situations.
Friday, 31 December : Our Deepest Aspiration
Whether the New Year is truly “new” or not is up to us. The future is made of only one substance: the present. How are we living this one precious life? Are we living the change we want to see in the world? We will explore the power of vow and resolution, and the art of keeping our awakened mind alive, in our hearts and in our communities. We’ll be invited to practice “metta meditation” to expand our love to relationships that we cherish, as well as relationships that are hard to heal.
With :
Sr. Thuan Khanh,
Br. Bao Tang
Sr. Hiên Nghiêm
Saturday, 1 January : Questions and Answers
This is a precious opportunity to ask a question from your heart. The question may have arisen during this retreat or it may have been there for a long time. A panel of monastics will be with you to share their experience of the practice regarding the question you have raised. Their responses are there to help you look deeper and find the answer in your own heart.

Sunday, 2 January : New Year, New Me
One of the deepest practices in Buddhism is the Three Doors of Liberation. These are: Emptiness, which means all things inter-are; Signlessness, which means we are not caught in wrong perceptions; Aimlessness, which means we can have a deep aspiration without being obstructed by it. At the end of our retreat, we shall look at how these practices can help us heal polarization and resolve differences in ourselves our family, and our society.
In this retreat, we will have an interactive session of live workshops. Topics to choose from will include:
- Inner Harmony: Exploring practices of Self Compassion to reconcile our Internal Conflicts (led by Br. Phap Lai)
- Sitting Meditation: Exploring the different aspects on how can the practice of sitting meditation helps you (led by Sr. Thuan Khanh)
- The Art of Tangerine Meditation: Dwelling peacefully in the present moment is something each one of us can cultivate, it is not something that is in-built in ourselves (led by Br. Treasure, also known as Br. Bao Tang)
- and others to be confirmed…
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Retreat Program
All streamed content will be uploaded after the session, and will be available to everyone who has registered for six months.
Mindful exercise [Broadcast]
Guided sitting meditation and reading
Dharma talk : Home, a journey inward
Outdoor walking meditation (Optional)
Total Relaxation
Dharma Sharing
Mindful dinner and hang-out (Optional)
Guided sitting meditation and sutra reading
Big Bell chanting [Broadcast]
Mindful exercise [Broadcast]
Guided sitting meditation and reading
Outdoor walking meditation (Optional)
Dharma Talk : Our Deepest Aspiration
Mindful dinner and hang-out (Optional)
Free time to write an aspiration letter
Prepare to Welcome New Year Eve
Some changes
Orientation : Stopping and Arriving
Guided sitting meditation (Optional)
Questions & Answers session
Total Relaxation
Dharma Sharing
Mindful dinner and hang-out (Optional)
Guided sitting meditation and sutra reading
Big Bell chanting [Broadcast]
Mindful exercise [Broadcast]
Guided sitting meditation and reading
Dharma talk : New Year, New Me
Outdoor walking meditation (Optional)
Total Relaxation
Dharma Sharing
Mindful dinner and hang-out (Optional)
Guided sitting meditation & Saying goodbye
Big Bell chanting [Broadcast]
To Download : Schedule for European and African time zones (CEST, Paris time)

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Resource Package

Exclusive Video: How to Create a Retreat at Home
Inspiration for transforming your space and readying your heart and mind

New artwork from the monastics to print and post around your home
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What is like to attend a Plum Village retreat at home?
What was particularly helpful is to bring the retreat spirit into my own home, making the integration into daily life easier.
Recent participant
I was amazed that the nourishment and presence of a Plum Village retreat could actually be generated online! If you’ve always wanted to experience the Plum Village kindness, compassion and support, you will find it even miles from France, in your own home.
Amy, USA
It’s hard to express in words my gratitude for this retreat. I feel re-connected, re-inspired, nourished and in a place where I can act from true aliveness.
Joanna, UK
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Please be aware that there are two steps to complete the registration process:
1. The first step: making payment (this requires a credit card),
2. The second step: filling out the registration form.
You can choose the contribution that suits your financial means, all options give the same retreat access.
Please notice that there is no more space in the Dharma Sharing group. But you can still connect with other retreatants and monastics in the Tea hangout session that happens at 18:30 every day.
We do not want the financial aspect to keep you from participating. If you want to attend an online retreat and your budget does not allow for it at this moment, please email us at to apply for a further reduction.
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Questions about the program
How much time do I need to follow this retreat?
This is a 5-day retreat, Wednesday evening to Sunday evening. Ideally, it is best if you can clear your days from other commitments so you can fully participate and savor the peaceful energy of the retreat, even when you are not following a scheduled session.
Each day there is a morning session from 06.45 to 11.30 (CET), which includes an optional 30-minute guided exercise session and a one-hour break for breakfast. The afternoon session is from 14.00-17.00 each day and starts with relaxation followed by “Dharma sharing” (breakout groups). The evening session is from 20.00. Please note there is a special program for New Year’s Eve 31st December (which will include a livestream of our midnight ceremony to welcome the New Year). We recommend you always arrive a few minutes early to set up your computer connection.
Please note that you can choose to opt-in or opt-out of the three “Dharma sharing” afternoon sessions (3.30-5pm each day). If you opt-in, we ask that you commit to join all three sessions, on time, so the group can have a strong collective experience. To avoid disturbing the group, we will not be able to admit people to the Dharma Sharing sessions once they have started.
Please also organize some time before the retreat starts, to familiarize yourself with the videos and information in the “How to Enjoy Your Online Retreat” package, and set up a peaceful corner of your home where you can have an internet connection. We hope that this immersive and interactive experience will help you strengthen your mindfulness practice and establish the spirit of Plum Village right in your home.
If I can’t join one of the sessions, can I still follow the other sessions?
We encourage you to attend as much of the retreat as possible to get the greatest benefit from the practice. Please note that if you wish to join the 3 Dharma Sharing sessions, you will need to follow the Dharma Talk in the morning in order to “unlock” the Dharma Sharing session in the afternoon. To support the collective shared experience, it is not possible to join the Dharma Sharing if you have not attended the Dharma Talk.
If I can’t join a session live, can I watch it later?
Yes, we try to livestream all sessions to our platform so you can follow both there and on Zoom. The recording of this livestream will remain available afterwards.
What is “Dharma Sharing” or “breakout groups”?
In this retreat, the Dharma Sharing is a smaller break-out group of 20-25 participants, led by a monastic. It gives us a chance to listen deeply, to speak from the heart, and benefit from each other’s insights and experience of practicing mindfulness. We can share our experiences, our joys, our difficulties, and our questions relating to the teachings in the retreat, and the mindfulness practices we are following together.
What do I need to prepare before joining this retreat?
Please organize your time and commitments, so you have space from the evening of Wednesday, December 29th, to the evening of Sunday, January 2nd, to fully participate in the retreat. A few days before the retreat starts, you’ll receive a digital package with information and resources on how to prepare yourself and your environment so you can really enjoy the retreat. Please allow an hour or two before Wednesday evening to familiarize yourself with these materials and set up your personal space and computer correctly.
You’re invited to prepare a room or corner in your home where you can be online, undisturbed. It is important that you are not interrupted during the various sessions, so you may like to communicate with loved ones, or other people you live with, to ask for their support in this. If you are participating in the Dharma Sharing groups, it will be important for you to log-on from a private space where you can share without others hearing you.
If I have a question about the teachings given during the retreat, where / when can I ask it?
The Dharma Sharing break-out groups are the ideal time to ask questions from the heart about the teachings you have heard and practices we are following together. You can also write a question in the comments below the video of a particular talk.
Will I be able to interact with the monastics directly? Eg. Can I ask them a question and get an answer?
The Dharma Sharing break-out groups offer a rare opportunity to join a circle facilitated by a monastic. If you are interested in connecting with the monastics, we strongly encourage you to make the commitment to opt-in to the three Dharma Sharing sessions. Our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, taught us that Dharma Sharing break-out groups are the most powerful way to learn and grow in our mindfulness practice. Please note that these sessions are not direct question-and-answer sessions, but a group where questions are addressed collectively.
I live with other people. Can I still join the retreat?
Yes, you do not need to be in a hut on a mountain to enjoy this retreat. So long as you have a quiet corner or room where you can be undisturbed, and perhaps have space to stretch and do the mindful movements, you will be able to enjoy the retreat fully. You may need headphones and, if you are joining Dharma Sharing, somewhere in the house where you can speak without being heard by others.
You can explain to those you live with your intention in joining the retreat and ask for their support. The idea is not to cut yourself off from them, but to generate a strong energy of mindfulness, peace and presence, during the sessions, that you can bring to your in-person interactions off-screen over the course of the weekend. You will be able to apply many of the teachings on deep listening, mindful eating and so on, right away!
Is this retreat appropriate for all ages? Can children or teenagers join?
This retreat is designed as an adult learning experience, but anyone is welcome to join the meditations, talks, movement and relaxations. Please note that in the Dharma Sharing breakout groups themes may spontaneously arise that are not appropriate for teenagers or children, and so it is not possible to register participants under 18 for the Dharma Sharing groups. We are currently exploring how we can offer a different, more tailored experience for children and teens online. Please check our events listing for future announcements.
I haven’t done a retreat before. Will I be able to follow this one?
This retreat is accessible to those new to the practice, and will be a refreshing and deepening experience for those who have been practicing mindfulness for some time. It is a precious chance to connect directly with our spiritual community, and to meet like-minded people.
I’m not in Europe. Can I join from a different time zone? Will I miss anything?
The retreat will be offered in English. Since we also now re-opening Plum Village to in-person guests, we regret that we do not have the capacity to also offer the online New Year’s Retreat in other languages.
Thai Plum Village will be offering an online New Year’s Retreat for Asian time-zones: “The Power of Now” from Dec. 27-31.
Please be sure to check the schedule to see which sessions you can follow in your time zone. Many activities can be done at a different time as the recordings will be available afterwards but Dharma sharing groups have to be attended live if you choose to join one.
Questions about tech issues
What do I need to join this retreat? Do I need to install anything? Do I need any special equipment?
This retreat will be delivered to you through your web browser and the Zoom app. When following the live events you can choose to join via Zoom or via the embedded video in your browser (link will be provided in advance). If you are opting-in to Dharma Sharing (the smaller breakout groups), you will need to install the Zoom software and you will need a webcam on your computer or tablet, so people can see you (just as you will see others). It is also preferable to have headphones, ideally with a microphone.
What quality will the videos be streamed in?
We try to livestream on 720p, but some of our Plum Village hamlets do not have strong enough internet so it may be limited to 480p. After the retreat we will upload all content in 1080p for your enjoyment.
I don’t have a very stable internet connection. Can I still join the retreat?
It depends how unstable. Your viewing quality is similar to watching something on youtube. So if that is a pleasant enough experience, then yes you can join this retreat. But for Dharma Sharing others might find it difficult to hear you. You can ask permission to turn off your camera, so others can hear you better.
Can I join the retreat from my phone?
Yes, when you subscribe you will receive an email with instructions and telephone numbers to join us via Zoom. You will only be able to follow the live sessions; it is not possible to join Dharma Sharing sessions from a phone.
Do I have to open my camera or can I join just audio?
Yes you can join only via audio, you do not have to start your camera, you can also choose only to watch via our platform. Only when you join the Dharma Sharing session, everybody is asked to start their camera to create a safe environment.
Will I be able to save and keep the recordings after the retreat?
All the recordings will be available afterwards on our platform, for you to access for six months. You will not be able to download them.
If I have technical difficulties with my setup, who do I contact?
Please contact:
Questions about registration
How are the “breakout groups” formed? Can I choose which breakout group to join?
The groups will be assigned by the monastics, based on our experience of creating diverse yet balanced groups. It is not possible to assign you to a chosen facilitator or to be in a group with friends.
What is my registration fee paying for?
Your contribution will go towards food, lodging, and healthcare for our community of 700 monastics in ten mindfulness practice centers worldwide. It will also enable us to invest in technical infrastructure in terms of internet, cameras, and equipment, so we can offer more teachings live online, with direct contact between monastics and practitioners. Without your support, we would be unable to sustain our community or offer the Dharma online.
Is there a refund option if I need to cancel my registration?
We can offer a full refund within 30 days of your payment.
If I cannot afford the lowest scholarship fee, can I apply for a further reduction?
We do not want the financial aspect to keep you from participating. If you want to attend an online retreat and your budget does not allow for it at this moment, please email us at to apply for a further reduction.