Report on Thay’s progress in San Francisco

We are happy to be able to share that Thay is benefitting from the best of Western, Eastern, conventional, and alternative medical approaches. Thay is receiving acupuncture every day, as well as physical therapy, speech therapy, osteopathy, and neurofeedback, with the support and oversight of a phenomenal team of...

Thay has travelled to San Francisco for treatment

Thay has been able to communicate more clearly a very strong wish to intensify his recovery program. Thay is very determined to do everything possible to recover both his physical movement and speech. After many options were presented to Thay, he made a clear decision to travel to the...

Thay’s recovery continues in Plum Village

We are happy to report that Thay's health has improved greatly since he returned from hospital to his Plum Village Hermitage in early April. Every day Thay has been out in nature, enjoying the blossoms, listening to the birds and resting at the foot of a tree. Thay enjoys...

Thay transfers to Bordeaux rehabilitation clinic

The team of monastic attendants work closely with doctors, nurses and professional therapists, and accompany Thay twenty-four hours a day, offering massage, acupuncture and comfort care, and helping Thay with his physical training. Thay is steadily recovering his strength and rebuilding his muscles day by day. We have been...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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