Weekend Retreat

An opportunity to stay and practice Mindfulness in Healing Spring Monastery. This simple program will allow you to stop, rest, and nourish yourself with peace and togetherness. You will study and practice meditation together with monastic community and other lay practitioners. We'll also  practice together with practitioners who will...

Healing Spring Monastery Registration

Please fill out one registration form per person. Payment will be requested once the registration office accepts your request and sends you an email with a payment link to finalize your reservation. Please note: Your reservations will be processed through an online system and software called Planyo. Below are...

Plum Village Tours Registration

Please note: Your reservation will be processed through an online system and software called Planyo. If you have any problems with registration, please contact …@plumvillage.org

Volunteer on the Happy Farm

Dear friend, Thank you for joining us as a Happy Farm volunteer. We look forward to cultivating the earth and our mind together with you.

Volunteering Application Received

Dear friend,Thank you for submitting your application. We ask for your patience as it might take us a few weeks to get back to you.

Tụng Năm Giới

https://plumvillage.zoom.us/j/98582477378?pwd=V0dRMTkrWkdtKy9jT2ozRjdacWs2Zz09Meeting-ID: 985 8247 7378Kenncode: 270545

Vlaanderen online herdenking

https://zoom.us/j/95409579326 Meeting ID: 954 0957 9326 Passcode: 314902 En andere Nederlandstalige events

Online sangha Leven in Aandacht

Binnenkomen kan vanaf 19:30.Zang start om 19:45 en de begeleide meditatie om 20:00. zoomlink: https://tpex.zoom.us/j/98812787074?pwd=QXpkTTYyWGlqVmRzQkZYeWVNTUZUUT09. Passcode 371348 En andere Nederlandstalige events

Fond memories of Thây (AIAB)

A few distinguished guests in HK, including Ven. Jing Yin, Ven. Hin Hung and Fr. Thomas Kwan, have been invited to share their fond memories with Thay. Watch this at: https://youtu.be/lo4MkGKRLT4

30′ Sitting Meditation and Touching the Earth

If the livestream doesn’t work, please whitelist our website on your ad-blocker or go here. You can also watch all the past live streams. Please click here for guidance on Touching the Earth: https://plumvillage.org/extended-mindfulness-practises/#touching-the-earth Click here for a video introduction to sitting meditation. There’s an art to sitting in such...

Total Relaxation

If the livestream doesn’t work, please whitelist our website on your ad-blocker or go here. You can also watch all the past live streams. The relaxation practice is designed not only for those interested in mindfulness or Buddhism, but for anyone who needs to relieve stress. Working with the...

Walking Meditation

If the livestream doesn’t work, please whitelist our website on your ad-blocker or go here. You can also watch all the past live streams. Click here for a video introduction to walking meditation. You are invited to practice walking meditation with us. If you see us on a smart...

Sitting Meditation with Upper Hamlet Brothers

If the livestream doesn’t work, please whitelist our website on your ad-blocker or go here. You can also watch all the past live streams. Click here for a video introduction to sitting meditation. There’s an art to sitting in such a way that we can feel relaxed, at peace...

Wake Uo

[give_form_grid ids=”27914,27920,27921,27922″ show_goal=”true” show_excerpt=”true” show_featured_image=”true” forms_per_page=”12″ excerpt_length=”50″ image_height=”350px” ] [give_form_grid ids=”27919,27916,27917,27918,27979″ display_style=”redirect” show_goal=”true” show_excerpt=”true” show_featured_image=”true” forms_per_page=”12″ excerpt_length=”50″ image_height=”350px” ]

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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