The thought ‘mother’ cannot be separated from that of ‘love.’
A rose for your pocket, Thich Nhat Hanh
On 8 August 2021, the Rose Ceremony was organized at Plum Village in France. The tradition of wearing roses to remember the kindness and love of our parents started in Plum Village during the Summer Retreat in 1983. You can learn more about it and the meaning of this tradition by reading an interview with our teacher – the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh given in the year 2008.
This year, the ceremony was also live-streamed online with thousands of people joining us on Zoom and Youtube. Let’s enjoy some photos.
Brothers shared their memories about their parents and our teacher. “My mother, my father, they are in me. And when I look, I see myself in them…” “The thought “mother” cannot be separated from that of “love.” Love is sweet, tender, and delicious…” “…Without love, a child cannot flower and an adult cannot mature. Without love, we weaken and wither…” “…We swim in a world of tender love for many years and, without even knowing it, we are quite happy there. Only after it is too late do we become aware of it…” “…Our mother is the person who first teaches us love, the most important subject in life…” “…If your mother or father is still alive, you wear a red flower on your pocket or your lapel, proud that you still have your mother or your father. If she or she is no longer alive, you wear a white flower…” “…Those of you who still have your mother near, please don’t wait for her death to say, “My God, I have lived beside my mother all these years without ever looking closely at her. Just brief glances, a few words exchanged—asking for a little pocket money or one thing or another…” “…Father’s work is enormous, as huge as a mountain…” “Mother’s devotion is overflowing, like water from a mountain spring…” “…A mother is the most beautiful gift life offers us…” “…my brothers and sisters, please do not forget her. Forgetting creates an immense loss…” “…take her hands and ask her this short question, “Mother, do you know something?”… “…Continuing to look into her eyes with a serene smile, tell her, “Do you know that I love you?”… “This red rose, I have already placed it on your lapel. Please be happy.” Translated the ceremony into French Translated the ceremony into Portuguese Translated the ceremony into Italian
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