The next edition of Plum Village’s groundbreaking new long-form online course, Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, will run from October 15 – December 3 2023, and there is still time to join.
It’s my conviction that we cannot change the world if we’re not able to change our way of thinking, our consciousness.
Thich Nhat Hanh.

Over 7 weeks this course will guide you to nurture insight, compassion, community, and mindful action in service of the Earth.
A year in creation, we have tailor-made this learning journey to help bring the teachings and practices of Thich Nhat Hanh deep into your daily lives, and make connections with like-minded friends.
Please join us and take your practice deeper.

Special Live Events with Monastics
The course features 3-4 hours of content per week, and includes five live interactive events with Plum Village monastics. The interactive sessions are hosted in different timeslots, so wherever you are in the world, you’ll still be able to join.

Scholarships Available
We’re committed to making the course accessible to all. More than ⅓ of our places are offered as scholarships for:
- Young people (35 and under)
- Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC)
- Those in the Global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America)
“The best online course experience I’ve ever had”
We have had participants from over 50 countries and across 6 continents participate in the pilots of this course, and feedback so far has been wonderful:
This course is possibly the best educational program I’ve experienced in my life. It is really transformative for me and I am so grateful for the care, thought and artistry that has gone into its development. It has really changed me in a new way.
This course has changed my life in many ways and will allow me to find the focus and energy to continue in my climate impact work.
I have been brought to tears so many times by this community and have felt so nourished and inspired. I have never experienced anything like this online before.
Find out more and join us for the next cohort of this course

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