Chants / Đầu cành dương liễu vương cam lộ

(English version)

From the depths of understanding,
a flower of great eloquence blooms;
The Bodhisattva stands majestically upon the waves
of birth and death, free from all afflictions.
Her great compassion eliminates all sickness,
even that once thought of as incurable.
Her wondrous light sweeps away all
obstacles and dangers.
The willow branch, once waved
reveals countless Buddha lands.
Her lotus flower blossoms
a multitude of practice centers.
We bow to her.
We see her true presence in the here and now.
We offer her the incense of our hearts.
May the Bodhisattva of Deep Listening
embrace us all with Great Compassion.
Namo Valokiteshvaraya

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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