Dharma Talks / Flowing Peacefully on the River of Life

Thầy Kai Ly

When we look into the history of humanity, there has not been a single day where there is no war somewhere on earth. It is important to have peace in oneself first, so we see the world differently.

The river of our life can be seen as five streams (the five “aggregates” or “skandas”). These are: body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, consciousness. When we learn to observe these streams, we start to see their ever-changing nature. In our body, even in the space of one breath, cells are being born and dying. Or when we look into our feelings, we notice that no matter how painful, or how pleasant, no feeling lasts forever.

A simple way to do this is by being aware of our breath. Especially when we face difficulties in daily life, try to breath in and out 10 times, and see what happens. It is simple, but very powerful.

As we learn to be aware of whatever arises, we can enjoy flowing peacefully along the river of life. Joy or pain, pleasant or unpleasant, whatever comes to be will pass. When we no longer grasp, we are free.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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