This is the 13th talk of the June 2012 Science of the Buddha retreat held in Plum Village.
02:03 Three Bells
03:10 Introduction
03:34 Buddha nature in every one of us
06:15 Understanding and compassion bring peace
08:01 Right thinking produces compassion
11:45 Recovering our sovereignty with our breath
14:45 Sitting together and doing nothing
17:40 Reduce thinking, increase feeling
19:09 The four attainments of Plum Village
19:51 1. Dwelling happily in the present moment
20:50 Formlessness
25:50 Be beautiful, be yourself
31:32 2. I have arrived, I am home
38:14 3. Interbeing
40:51 4. No birth, and the wrong understanding of no birth
43:39 Matter and energy: their nature is no-birth
44:21The conditioned and the unconditioned
46:35 Beliefs about body and soul violate the laws of thermodynamics
52:17 44th verse of the Gathas on the Absolute Truth
1:09:31 Samsara and Nirvana
1:11:30 Homework for retreatants, a grain of corn becomes a plant of corn
1:15:47 You are a stream, not a self