No sameness. No otherness. That is the nature of all that is.
The retreat theme is “What Happens when we die?” at Plum Village, France. This is a 26-minute portion of the talk offered from the Stillwater Meditation Hall at Upper Hamlet on June 12, 2014. Both the video and audio are available below.
In this talk we return to many common teachings of no-birth, no-death as illustrated by the corn seed and the corn plant, the cloud and the cup of tea, and seeing ourselves as a 5-year old child. We are reminded that we carry all our ancestors in our body. When we walk, our ancestors walk with us at the same time. We don’t just walk for ourselves, but we also walk for our ancestors. The same is with our spiritual ancestors – we are the continuation of these ancestors too. The teaching also reminds us how to work with our more difficult ancestors in order to discover healing and transformation. We can turn our anger into compassion.
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How to love and understand your ancestors when you dont know them?
Thay answers questions on 21 June 2014. Question 6 Help us caption & translate this video! Topics: mindfulness, thich nhat hanh, thay, plum village, 21 day retreat, ancestors, orphan, parents, love, continuation, Buddha, Jesus, Eucharist