Songs / Arrived

“Arrived, arrived. At home, I am at home. “

There may be a time when you feel lost, empty inside, suffering in a chaotic world or don’t know what to do, where to go. This song may help you to find a place in which you can restore your solidity and freedom. That place is here and now. And your breath can take you there, to your true home, which is always there for you to take refuge in.   

Music and lyrics by Plum Village Monastics

Sung by Sister Chau Nghiem (Sr. Jewel)

Arrived, arrived

At home, I am at home

Dwelling in the here and dwelling in the now

Solid as a mountain, free as a white cloud

The door to no birth and no death is open

Free and unshakeable.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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