Songs / I Smile to the Stars (sung by Sister Chan Khong)

Sister Chan Khong, Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London 2012

Je souris à l’étoile qui au ciel encore luit,
Au soleil qui lentement nous sort de la nuit,
A ce jour qui commence, à l’oiseau qui m’enchante,
je souris au monde et le monde me sourit.

I smile to the stars that still shine in the sky,
The sun that slowly passes out of the night,
The day that begins, the enchanting bird,
I smile to the world, and the world smiles to me.

I smile to the child that crosses my way,
I remember also those who are hungry
Those who live in misery all over the planet,
Who have to face the war, who lost their mother.

And if sometimes my smile is moistened by tears,
When I see the great pain that spreads all over the world,
I shall still be smiling, with tears in my eyes,
Smiling to life, smiling to death.

And one day it will come when it is bitterly cold,
And when even my footsteps will not leave any mark,
The never-ending current of life’s energy
Will carry me along, and I will not look back.

The fear will no longer block my way,
My heart finally opens very wide,
And I will become the smile of the earth,
Of the flower, of the rain, of the wind and the sun.

And one day perhaps in a very small child,
I will open my eyes to the wonders of life,
And a little more loving, and a little more smiling,
I will continue this wonderful way.

And one day perhaps in a very small child,
I will open my eyes to the wonders of life,
And a little more loving, and a little more smiling,
I will continue this wonderful way.

Sung and translated by Sister Chan Khong
Original French lyrics by Jean-Pierre Maradan
Chanson du Village des Pruniers.

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