Day of Peace – Open Dharma Sharing

Aware of the suffering in Ukraine, we would like to offer the opportunity for people to come together online so that we can cultivate an energy of peace and take care of the difficult emotions brought up by our current global situation.

Following on from the Dharma talk at 09:30 CET we will offer a session of Dharma sharing facilitated by Plum Village nuns and monks. Dharma sharing is a practice of loving speech and deep listening which allows us to collectively embrace our feelings and emotions.

There is no need to register, groups will be formed on Zoom.

Zoom link for Dharma Sharing:
Meeting ID: 995 5240 9850
Passcode: DOM2022

You can watch an introduction to the day here:

If you are new to Dharma sharing, we ask that you first watch this video to give yourself an introduction to the practice.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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