Peace Walk in UK (In-person event)

You are invited to the Second Multi-Faith Peace Walk, entitled ‘Walk with Me,’ facilitated by Plum Village UK and Quakers in Britain this Sunday, 23rd June.

  • Time: 3pm – 5pm
  • Location: Gathering in Parliament Square

In the face of escalating violence and loss of life in over 100 wars and armed conflicts worldwide, including Palestine, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine, Myanmar and many more, the silent vigil aims to transcend religious and cultural boundaries.

“There are simply no more words left to convey our anger and crippling grief. This walk symbolises our commitment, each purposeful step connecting our broken hearts, unified in the hope – hope for peace built upon the unshakeable pillars of love, compassion, justice, and reverence for all life.” – Rehena Harilall, co-organiser of the walk

This second peace walk reflects a groundswell of desperate, heartbroken calls for peace here in London, inspiring similar events in Washington on the lawns of Capitol, Grand Park in Los Angeles and France on the same day.

Please join us, people of faiths and none, as we move together in silence to remember people killed in war, as we call for the cessation of killing, for nonviolence, reconciliation and a just peace.

The walk will begin with prayers offered by a diverse group of grassroots faith representatives, predominantly women. Their leading role signifies the need for a different energy and approach to resolving conflicts and wars. The walk will then pause at key landmarks to hold vigil.

All welcome.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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