How much Silence?

We share an extract from Richard Brady's book Walking the Teacher's Path with Mindfulness. Richard is a former school teacher and also a lay Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition.

On Dying, Pain, and Being Alone

In June 2022 Shelly Anderson received the lamp transmission to become a lay Dharma teacher in the Plum Village Tradition. In response to a letter from Sister Linh Di, she shares her experience of practicing with a terminal cancer diagnosis.


Thay said that stress is a great cause of suffering in our time. In this article Sr Chan Duc shares insights into the science of stress, the wisdom of the blackbird and the importance of knowing how to relax.

I have arrived, I am home

The Six Umbrella Pines We held our very first Summer Retreat in the Sweet Potato Hermitage in the north of France. However, it was such a small center that we could not receive many students. So we came to the south to look for land and establish a practice...

Advent, the Mystics, and Mother Earth

A Dharma Talk by Brother Phap De December 11, 2011 Today is, in the Christian Churches of the West, the third Sunday of advent, the season in which our Western ancestors made a pretty big deal about getting ready for Christmas, getting ready for the Prince of Peace, looking for...

I Have a Dream

Brother Chân Trời Đức Niệm outlines his dream for "spaceship" Earth in the face of the potentially overwhelming realities of the climate crisis.

Eulogy from Thay’s disciples in Vietnam

Dearly Beloved Thầy, This morning the weather is so beautiful, very cool, with the sunlight bright and the air pleasant. Purple flowers carpet the hillside running from the nun’s quarters in Diệu Trạm to the Root Temple. Each time we set foot on this path, we feel so happy,...

The fortunate mendicant

In the Buddha’s time, the monks and nuns had in their possession only three robes and a begging bowl. The vow of poverty helps monks and nuns to focus on the spiritual practice. They go on alms-round (to beg for food) to practice humility and have a chance to...

To Be Present and Flexible

August 22, 2013 Dear friends, After several years of living at plum village and a year since my ordination, I was recently allowed to go on my first home visit to be with my sister at her marriage in Toronto, Canada. Since both of our parents have died and...

A Eulogy from Thay’s Disciples in Plum Village

28th January 2022 Dear Beloved Thay, It is the greatest fortune of our life to have been able to become your students, to receive your guidance, and to belong to your Beloved Community.  You are our Teacher, and you have taught and nurtured us with boundless love, patience, and...

The Practice of Gratitude

Four lay and monastic practitioners in Plum Village tell us about their practice of gratitude and how it helps them in daily life and their relationship with others.

Heading to the Shore Together

It has been just over a year since Sr Lan Nghiem passed away in Lower Hamlet. We offer a sharing from one of her attendants, Sr Trang Loc Uyen, who was with her in her last days, as she reflects on Sr Lan Nghiem and the lessons they learnt...

Nourishing our Togetherness, Protecting our Planet

 by Brother Phap Dung As we approach our next retreat on “Sustainability, Mindfulness and Community Life” at the European Institute of Applied Buddhism (EIAB) in Germany from March 31st to April 3rd, we invite you to read the article below by Daniel Dermitzel, one of the founders of the Plum Village Happy...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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