“Wake Up” in Your Living Room

There have been lots of adaptations due to COVID-19 and Plum Village has been no exception. Sister Sinh Nghiêm explains how the planned retreat for organisers and facilitators of Plum Village's young adult communities moved online.

A Green Santa and A Hug of Love

Upper Hamlet Plum Village France 16th December 2015 This year Santa is not buying into any more Last weekend in Paris, world leaders successfully concluded their climate action summit, addressing how each nation can reduce their impact on our precious climate, and help relieve some of the effects created by our past unmindful...

A gift for Thay

As we approach Thich Nhat Hanh’s (Thay) 94th birthday, we would like to invite all our friends to offer a gift for Thay. As his monastic disciples, every year around this time we would ask Thay or ask his attendants what Thay needs or would like to have for...

The Unspeakable Reality

By: Jack Saunsea love to write. It is one of the most important tasks I believe I am here on this earth to do. Writing has been instrumental in connecting and building relationships with people all over the world. While at the same time there is a certain admission...

Free at School

Former school teacher Richard Brady speaks to Kaira Jewel Lingo about how he became a mindful teacher and his work helping other teachers learn mindfulness.

A New Spring: 2017 Francophone Retreat

Over 700 retreatants from all over France, as well as Switzerland, Belgium, Quebec, joined the Plum Village community for our annual Francophone Retreat from April 10-17. During this Easter week we enjoyed a full week of mindfulness practice, deep sharings, meditations, teachings and relaxation, all in French. The whole community...

In memory of Thay Phap Y

Dear Spiritual Family, With great regret we announce that our dear Italian brother Thay Phap Y passed away last Friday morning, February 7th, 2014. He was a teacher to all of us, our big brother, our “Venerable Thich Chan Phap Y”, and “Papi” to many. He was a colorful...

Online Retreat “Understanding our Mind”

Plum Village recently hosted our first online neuroscience retreat June 23 to June 28 with the title “Understanding Our Mind”. Let us enjoy the sweet aftertaste of this retreat through the feedback from our two Dharma teachers - Sr. Chan Duc (Sr Annabel) and young Dharma teacher Br. Troi...

As if We Had Met Before – Remember to Look for Thay

Thầy has arrived in Thailand. That in itself brought quite a shock for countless people. What needed to be done was realized quickly. I could feel each brother and sister’s heart in anticipation of seeing Thầy. Hearing that Thầy would come, Venerable Giác Viên, currently receiving treatment in Vietnam,...

2016 Ordination Ceremonies with Thay

The Plum Village sangha has just completed the 2016 “Love and Gratitude” Great Ordination Ceremony, blessed with the physical presence of Thay during the transmission of the Great Bhikshu and Bhikshuni Precepts and ceremonies to transmit the lamp to fifty new Dharma Teachers, lay and monastic. Collective Energy  This...

True Sangha

To mark the "manifestation day" of Thay (11 October 1926) we share a talk from him on sangha, a community of practitioners living the teachings of the Buddha and ancestral teachers. The sangha is Thay's deep aspiration and great legacy.   

Peace is Every Step: Events in Israel

In late March 2017, two senior Dharma teachers, Sr. Bi Nghiem from the EIAB, and Sr. Dao Nghiem from Plum Village, travelled to Israel to support two retreats: one three days retreat in Ramallah near Jerusalem, in the North of Palestine, in the Occupied Territory, and another five days...

Coming Home to Our Roots

Three young friends recount how they explored questions of belonging and "home" during a retreat in Plum Village Monastery, France for young Asian diaspora.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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