
Thầy breathes, you breathe

On the 11th of October, 2020, the sangha at Plum Village gathered to celebrate Thay’s continuation day in a spirit of peace and being together as big spiritual family. There were stories recounting beautiful memories with Thay, and how the practices of mindfulness are helping to transform people’s lives...

Happy Farmers report on their crop of joyful giving

Happy farmers share about their crops from the large organic vegetable harvest to the joy and happiness gained from living and practising in harmony with each other as well as with Mother Earth. They share about how they are able to realize and share with others about the practices...

Relax, Let Go

Dear friends, I wrote this poem in veneration of Thich Nhat Hanh, whose inspirational writing and poetry has helped me live more peacefully with mental health issues. I am very new to Buddhism, but I feel a deep connection. I hope this poem conveys the peace and calm within...

A Million Buddhas-to-be

  Don’t worry if you feel you can only do one tiny good thing in one small corner of the cosmos. Just be a Buddha body in that one place. This week Thay’s community of followers on Facebook reached ONE MILLION. To celebrate, we invited people to share how they are...

Much Love and Gratitude

Dear friends, The Happy Farm team would like to offer a warm thanks to everyone who supported our fundraising campaign. The campaign was a huge success and we raised a lot more money than we expected. This means we can do some wonderful work to establish the Happy Farm...

I Don’t Run Away Anymore

Thay recently received this beautiful and moving letter from one of his students (a lay man) in Ireland. With permission from the author, Thay asked us to type it up and post it online for the whole community to read. We have transcribed it from the original handwritten letter,...

And a Mindful New Year

By Jessica Ardis If you had told the sixteen-year old version of myself that I would chose to spend New Year’s Eve sitting in silence with nuns, I would have asked what you were smoking. The nuns I had encountered in twelve years of Catholic school were mostly a...

A Short Break Can Go a Long Way

By Deirdre Mullins Over the last few weeks, broadcaster John Murray and Cork hurler Conor Cusack have spoken openly about their struggles with depression. The musician Bressie, rugby analyst Brent Pope and author Marian Keyes have also discussed their own emotional struggles. Thanks to this openness, the stigma about...

The Unspeakable Reality

By: Jack Saunsea love to write. It is one of the most important tasks I believe I am here on this earth to do. Writing has been instrumental in connecting and building relationships with people all over the world. While at the same time there is a certain admission...

Meditating on a Hillside with Thich Nhat Hanh

By Dianna Bonny “Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the whole earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.” Thich Nhat Hanh I am excited to share how the simple act of saying yes landed me on a hillside,...

Voices of Compassion

Thich Nhat Hanh was a Vietnamese refugee who, instead of becoming bitter after being sent into exile, set up foundations to help other refugees that were too poor to buy food and clothes. He tried to teach people to be mindful of the natural world through poetry and lectures....

Tough Lessons From Thích Nhat Hanh

By Cameron Conaway The pain started just a few minutes into what I thought would be a calming five-day retreat. I’d been living in Bangkok for two years, and shortly after I arrived I began to hear of a man named Thích Nhất Hạnh. He was a Zen Master...

A letter from Christopher Bono

Dear Thay, My name is Christopher Bono, I am a composer whom you have met before! Four years ago, I asked you a question about living the life of an artist when feeling that much of your secluded efforts are not shared with the world, and the perception that...

Mindfulness and Consumption

This last week I had the great pleasure of being in St. Catharines, Ontario for a mindfulness retreat. This was led by the wonderful folk of Plum Village and dear Thây, Thich Nhat Hanh himself. (Thây is “teacher” in Vietnamese, and is what most people call Thich Nhat Hanh...

The Hands of Peace

I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph a dialogue between Thich Nhat Hanh and David Suzuki. Of course, I took many pictures of each of them, showing Thay’s gestures, expressions as well as his open and compassionate countenance. Part way through the discussion I became aware of the separate...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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