Practices for Children / Dharma Stories For Children

We share stories for children offered before Dharma talks at past Summer Opening retreats.

Dear friends,

Here in Plum Village France we are enjoying flowing as a river with families and practitioners of all ages during our annual Summer Opening retreat.

One of our traditions is to share a short story at the start of each Dharma talk for children to enjoy before they enter the children’s programme for the day.

It is an opportunity for us all to touch the essence of the Dharma, shared in simple and imaginative ways for beginner’s minds and we hope you enjoy these Dharma stories offered by Br. Phap Dung & Br. Pham Hanh.

One Eyed Fish

This goldfish started to see that it's so nice that everybody's a little different, it's so nice that we're all not the same

He discovered that the true beauty is in himself and that's from swimming over and over he became very still he was able to touch a happiness inside

Queen of the Present Moment

The queen came back riding her horse. She came to the palace, saw the door ajar and thought 'hmm' and she came back to herself. She took a step with her left foot and with her right foot. She followed her breathing and went into the dining hall and what did she see over there in the dining hall, a green slimy monster sitting at the table.

As the day progressed and the monster started to feel the joy in the room it became smaller and smaller and smaller and the joyful atmosphere was restored.

From that moment onwards the queen recognized that her palace is in the country of the present moment where she can take care of all the people around her, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant, everybody is welcome.

More resources

There is a section for children on the Plum Village App

There are a number of books for children written by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community, available from Parallax Press:

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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