Dharma Talks / Discovering our Inner Teacher through Mindfulness of Breathing and Walking

Sr Tuệ Nghiêm

This talk was recorded on the 14th January 2024 in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village (France). It is the 14th and last of our live Sunday talks of the Rains Retreat 2023/2024.

0:00: 🧘 Reflection on teachings during retreat and remarks on ethics and suffering.
• 0:00: Emphasis on practicing ethics and revising precepts for guidance.
• 9:41: Learning to distinguish between right and wrong, happiness and suffering.

11:41: 💡 Exploration of suffering, happiness, and the Noble Eightfold Path to cultivate happiness through Right View and mindfulness.
• 11:41: Suffering leads to a spiritual journey of understanding its causes and conditions.
• 13:59: Embracing suffering is necessary to touch happiness and cultivate greater happiness.
• 21:23: Cultivating mindfulness, concentration, and Insight are essential in meditation practices.

23:21: 💡 Importance of mindfulness, concentration, and insight in daily practice, emphasizing the significance of precepts and mindful manners.
• 23:21: Mindfulness, concentration, and insight are treasures that can be utilized anytime.
• 25:02: Right view involves understanding interconnectedness and impermanence.
• 31:17: Practicing precepts and mindful manners is essential for monastics to inspire others.

32:26: 💭 Reflections on mindfulness, precepts, and staying present to find happiness.
• 35:24: Being in the present moment allows for true savoring of life and recognizing interconnectedness.
• 36:55: Constantly remembering to focus on the breath as a Dharma door for insight.
• 39:23: Acknowledging neutral feelings and finding happiness in simple conditions.

39:58: 💭 Reflections on gratitude, presence, and self-discipline for cultivating happiness and overcoming loneliness.
• 39:58: Importance of being present and grateful for the presence of kind people
• 46:24: Connecting with ancestors and loved ones to overcome loneliness and isolation

48:15: 🌟 Emphasizing the importance of self-discipline in following the inner teacher’s guidance and honoring the teachings of a beloved teacher.
• 48:15: Self-discipline is crucial for connecting with the inner teacher and overcoming habit energies.
• 48:38: Continuing to carry the teacher’s guidance by practicing self-discipline even after leaving a retreat.
• 56:20: Acknowledging that the teacher resides within through mindfulness of breathing and steps.

56:43: 🌿 Reflecting on the practice of mindful walking and breathing to honor and continue the teachings of Thay.

• 56:43: Emphasizing the importance of mindful breath and steps in deep Buddhist teachings
• 1:00:25: Inviting everyone to honor and commemorate Thay through their breath and steps, even if unable to attend ceremonies
• 1:01:50: Expressing gratitude for the shared journey and teachings in the retreat, emphasizing the importance of returning to the present moment

— More from Sr Tuệ Nghiêm

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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