September 25, 2013. 130-minute dharma talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh from Magnolia Grove Monastery in Batesville, Mississippi during the 2013 Nourishing Great Togetherness teaching tour. This is the first dharma talk for the 6-day retreat with the theme Healing Ourselves, Healing the World. We begin with two chants from the monastics.
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We bring our mind and body together and come back to ourselves in order to be truly there and be able to stop our thinking. We can get lost in our thinking. When we are mindful and concentrated of our in breath them our mind only has one object. Just breathing in mindfully we can get freedom from the past l, the future, and our projects. Freedom is possible and the healing can start.
Conditions of happiness
Habit of running after fame, power, wealth, sensual pleasures
Deep looking – insight can release the tension and bring healing
Mindfulness is a method to insight using our in breath and out breath
Inviting our ancestors to listen to the bell and practice walking meditation with you.
Our presence is the most precious gift for those we love – to be there is a practice.
Freshness, beauty
Mountain, solid
Space, free
Sutra on Full Awareness of Breathing
Four domains – body, feelings, mind, objects of mind
First 8 exercise
Sangha – collective energy
You are not one emotion
The art of happiness and the art of suffering
Happiness and suffering interare
Happiness is made of non-happiness elements
The Four Noble Truths
The Four Kinds of Nutriments

How to stop looking for other people’s approval?
Thay answers questions on 21 June 2014. Question 5 Help us caption & translate this video! Topics: buddhism, mindfulness, thich nhat hanh, teenager, teens, inferiority, affirmation, approval, criticism, self-confidence, independent, belief, vietnam war