This is the fourth and final dharma talk of the “Understanding Is Love” retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh at the European Institute of Applied Buddhism in Waldbrol, Germany. The talk is given in English with consecutive translation into Dutch. In this talk on August 24, 2014, Thay teaches on birth and death. Both the audio and the video are available below.
Homework for the children. Seed of corn. A teaching on birth and death.
What happens when you die? Why meditate on death?
Our cosmic body
Interbeing of birth and death
Two levels of truth: Conventional and Ultimate
Right View. Transcends being and non/being, birth/death.
God is the Ultimate
Teaching of the Flame. Birth and death.
Teachings on The Three Recollections, the Six Sense Organs, and No Coming, No Going as given to Anathapindika on his deathbed

EIAB Dutch Retreat
This is the 4th Dharma talk by Thay for the Dutch Retreat: “Love is Understanding” in EIAB