This is a session of questions and answers on August 23, 2014 from the Understanding Is Love Retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh at the European Institute of Applied Buddhism in Waldbrol, Germany. The questions and answers are given in both English and Dutch. We start with a series of questions from children followed by teens and adults. Both the audio and the video are available below.
Children and Teens
Do you know a better way to choose and to get rid of my doubts?
What does your name mean and do you have a sign to represent your name?
What should you do when you are really worried about something?
What does Thay love most about Buddhism?
Why did you become a Buddhist?
I would like to inspire my friends. How do I do this? How did you gain so much confidence?
I am confused about the word compassion. How can I be compassionate without suffering and still remain sensitive?
I have a question about a problem in my family. I have anger towards my brother but also wants to have compassion and take care of herself.
A question about attachment and letting go.
A question about self love and acceptance.
How do help someone who feels no connection to her ancestors and the world. She has shard that wants to end her life numerous times.
Continuing to reconcile with my mother who is an alcoholic and sex addict.
Non duality. Can you explain more about watering positive and negative seeds.
Written question on sexuality and the Third Mindfulness Training. Isn’t it to strict? Does it really need a “long term commitment”?
Right Livelihood and True Love. The livelihoods I love requires lots of time. How can we maintain True Love for ourselves, families, etc?

EIAB Dutch Retreat
This is the 4th Dharma talk by Thay for the Dutch Retreat: “Love is Understanding” in EIAB