On the 5th of May we have started our tour , “Nourishing Roots and Blossoming Branches“. We have just started and, at the same time, we have received so much from friends we find on our path. We are nourished by their kindness and generosity. We are also energised and touched by the energy of healing and transformation that we cultivate together, both monastics and the Manifold Sangha.
We’ve offered a mindfulness day in Chagford, another at Schumacher College, and two more at Exeter (at Exeter University and The Friend’s House, which is part of the Quaker’s Church.
We are now in the middle of a mini retreat at Foxlease, in New forest. There is love, there is community, there is transformation and, more importantly, there is a lot of joy.
Wishing you all peace and stability.
The “touring” siblings of the UK&Ireland Tour.
🧡 🌈

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