Interview with Sister Chan Khong during Covid time

Nowadays, we would probably call Sister Chan Khong a social activist. An encounter, in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis, between Buddha News and a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist nun who for 60 years has been campaigning for social and spiritual change. When you were very young, you worked to...

Love Letter to the Earth

While many experts point to the enormous complexity in addressing issues ranging from the destruction of ecosystems to the loss of millions of species, Thich Nhat Hanh identifies one key issue as having the potential to create a tipping point. He believes that we need to move beyond the...

Breathe – A Meditation Journal

Parallax Press has recently released a simple notebook with a Zen aesthetic. This meditative journal features selected excerpts and quotes from Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh’s most-loved teachings, prayers, and poems.

“Walk With Me” Documentary Premieres in Texas

Last month, seven Plum Village monastics supported the launch of the world premiere of “Walk With Me“, the new documentary on Thich Nhat Hanh’s community, at SXSW film festival in Austin, Texas. From 11-15th March, they held a series of mindfulness and meditation sessions for festival-goers, including mindful walking, sunset meditation, and a...

“When a seed is ready to grow, it will happen.”

About the Sangha Maresme The Sangha Maresme was born 14 years ago. Two of its founders, Andreu Majó and Jesus Pruna, first connected with Plum Village in the early 1990s and regularly attended its summer retreats. In 2005 Josep Rafols (known to his friends and fellow sangha members as...

New book: “Inside the Now: Meditations on time”

Inside the Now Meditations on Time Thich Nhat Hanh   Available Nov 10, 2015 This beautifully designed book will be cherished for generations. Written in the summer of 2013, Inside the Now contains the most recent, never before published commentaries and reflections of Thich Nhat Hanh on living in stillness and...

North America Hashtag

Dear Thay, dear Sangha, dear friends, We are very excited to be “Nourishing Great Togetherness”! To all of those attending the retreat at Brock University, we wish you all a happy closing to a wonderful past couple days. During the coming months, our N. American Sanghas will be blessed...

Understanding our Father

Many of us have painful relationships with our parents. Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how can use meditation to understand and accept our own suffering, and then look deeply into the suffering of our father.

Plum Village

Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is the largest international practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in the West. Plum Village is where Thay has realised his dream of building a Beloved Community: creating a healthy, nourishing environment...

A True Bodhisattva

To celebrate Sister Chan Khong's (Sister True Emptiness) continuation day on April 9, we share here glimpses of this remarkable nun through the eyes of Thich Nhat Hanh, Sister Chan Duc, and Sister Dinh Nghiem.

The Earth Holders

Meet A Plum Village community helping to transform and heal our societies and the Earth and learn about a retreat they held in New Mexico.

Understanding in the breath

With Thais still politically poles apart and the conflict between supporters of the yellow and red shirts likely to intensify over proposed amendments to the Constitution, perhaps it is time to take heed of the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. The Zen master suggests that mindful breathing, mindful walking...

Active Nonviolence, Ethics & Mindfulness

This Dharma Talk was recorded on June 4, 2024 in Upper Hamlet, Plum Village France. It is the 3rd talk of the series of talks given in the 2024 June Retreat held in Plum Village, France, with the theme: “”Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Applied Ethics.” Brother Phap Huu...

Wall Street Journal: 4 September 2013

A Day of Mindfulness With Thich Nhat Hanh by Barbara Chai Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh led a “Day of Mindfulness” at the Blue Cliff Monastery in Pine Bush, New York, Sunday, drawing 1500 practitioners from the tri-state area. Here’s what deep relaxation feels like. Read the full article...

Openness in the face of fanaticism and intolerance

In this extract from the newly published 4th edition of Interbeing, Thich Nhat Hanh offers a commentary on the first of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings of Engaged Buddhism. This training reminds us to guard against discriminative and dualistic thinking and to avoid becoming bound by any ideology.

From Roshi Joan Halifax “Thay’s deepest teaching to me is that being a social activist is not separate from being a contemplative. Thanks to him, untold numbers of us opened our lives to the path of socially engaged Buddhism.” Roshi Joan Halifax (True Continuation) The war in Vietnam was...

For Warmth and In My Two Hands

This healing poem “For Warmth” was written by Thich Nhat Hanh during the Vietnam war. He said, this was written after he heard about the bombing of Ben Tre and the comment made by an American military man, “We had to destroy the town in order to save it.”...

Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse

On Thich Nhat Hanh​ 1926-2022​     Published on 23 January 2022 The most venerable Thich Nhat Hanh has passed away. What a great loss to this world — a world entangled in both past and future; a world that has almost no interest in dwelling in the present; a world...

III – Touching our Inner Goodness

All of us are searching for what is good, true and beautiful. Here, we offer two teachings and one letter from our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh on how to find the good, the true and the beautiful inside of us, going back to the island within, and invoking the...

“I Have a Thousand Years for You”

A Gift of True Love Br Phap Ung talks about how he remembers our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, once offering a disciple the gift of true love. To explain the story, Br Phap Ung talks first about how impermanence can offer us freedom and the patience to embrace our...

27 New “Linden Trees”

At 6am on a frosty morning, this last Sunday 8th December, over 400 people gathered in the Still Water Meditation Hall of Upper Hamlet, Plum Village to witness Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh transmitting the Ten Novice Precepts to eight young ordinees here in France. Plum Village Thailand held a...

The Budda’s Birthday Vesak Celebration 2020

We invite you to enjoy the Plum Village celebrations of Vesak Day 2020. Traditionally, the monastics organize Vesak celebrations together in one hamlet along with many guests. This year we celebrated it in three hamlets separately due to Covid-19. Vesak is a chance for us to express our respect...

Peace of Mind: Becoming Fully Present

In Peace of Mind, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that integrating body and mind is the only way to fee truly alive in each moment. Combining ancient Buddhist wisdom and current scientific thinking, he offers concrete practices for how to relieve stress and cultivate joy. Peace of...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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