Dharma Talks

“A la Carte” Dharma Talk
A talk from 7 March based on questions that people have sent in. Offered for Mountain Spring Monastery in Australia and the Compassionate Ocean Sangha: www.mountainspringmonastery.org, www.compassionateoceansangha.org. You can support this podcast at https://dana.plumvillage.org/
Br Pháp Hải

Afternoon of Mindfulness in San Francisco
During the 2015 Miracle of Mindfulness tour, the monastic sangha is traveling in the United States offering retreats and teachings. On October 10, 2015 an Afternoon of Mindfulness was offered at the Nourse Theatre in San Francisco, CA. The afternoon begins with songs and a guided mediation by Sister…
Sr Thệ Nghiêm, Br Pháp Hải

What is the Miracle of Mindfulness?
This is the first Dharma Talk of the 5-day Retreat at Blue Cliff Monastery, NY, given as part of the Plum Village International Community’s “Miracle of Mindfulness” Tour of the US, Fall 2015. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/HCVV/