Adornment with Heroic March
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Life Story
Sister Chân Lăng Nghiêm was ordained as a novice nun on February 8th 2003 in the “Walnut” family. She received full ordination as a bhikshuni in January 2006, and the Lamp Transmission from Thầy, to become a Dharma Teacher, in January 2010. Originally from Vietnam, she and her family immigrated to America in 1979, living in various states including Colorado, California, and Florida. It is from Thầy that she has learned to be comfortable in her own skin, to feel at home, wherever she is, and to deeply appreciate the gems found in people and cultures everywhere.
She is an active member of our international community and has lived in Lower Hamlet, France; Deer Park Monastery, California; and Blue Cliff Monastery, New York. With her love of books and Thay’s teachings, she serves on the advisory board of Parallax Press and is happy to see Thầy’s books appear in schools, hospitals, prisons, bedside tables, and even local coffee shops around the world. She is an amateur at sewing, but can replicate practically anything just by looking at the original product. Many of our robes, jackets, hats, cushions and mats are sewn by her loving hands and mindful energy.
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Dharma Talks

Naming the Suffering of Our Times, to Begin to Heal It
This talk was recorded on 19th November 2023 in New Hamlet, Plum Village (France). It is the fourth of our live Sunday talks of the Rains Retreat 2023.
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

What Buddhist Psychology can Offer the Climate Crisis
0:05: 🧘 The importance of coming home to the body, recognizing emotions, and using our breathing to relax all the cells in our body. 5:35: 🧠 Understanding how seeds of emotions manifest in consciousness through sensory input. 13:00: 🌱 Nurturing joy and empathy through simple acts of kindness and…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Learning About True Compassion
“Compassion is the intention and the capacity to relieve suffering in the world.” This dharma talk was given on Thursday, 8 June in Upper Hamlet, Plum Village, during a retreat for young people who have grown up away from home.
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Awakening to a New Way of Being | Sr. Lang Nghiem
In this Dharma Talk offered on the last day of our Summer Retreat, Sister Lang Nghiem offers her insights and experiences on the great power of coming back to the present moment, which is at the chore of our practice in Plum Village. We can learn a lot about…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

“Ripening in Every Moment”: The 4th PV Dharma Seal (40 Years Retreat #6)
In this final talk of our June retreat “40 Years of Plum Village: Now We Have a Path, We Have Nothing More to Fear”, Sister Lang Nghiem invites us to train ourselves to recognize the present moment as a maturation of all our actions, including the experiences we received…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Breathing Peace and Love | “Spirituality, Science & Action” Retreat, Talk #1
In this Dharma Talk offered on the first day of our 2022 Science retreat, Sr. Lang Nghiem (“Sister Hero”) presents concrete daily practices to help us master our mind. Thanks to the practice of mindfulness, we can intervene in the neural pathways that dictate our ways of being and…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Living the Buddha’s Community
In this first talk of spring 2022 as Plum Village France reopens for retreatants, Sister Lăng Nghiêm (“Sister Hero”) through the sutra “Monuments to the Dharma” (Majjhima Nikaya 89) shows us how the Buddha’s original community is continuing today. In the sutra, the King Prasenajit praises the Buddha’s sangha…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Invoking The Bodhisattva
What actions can we take to help bring about healing within ourselves and around us? How do we regain our sovereignty in moments of difficulty? (5:05 – ~10:00) Do we see a craving inside of ourselves for normalcy? How can we take this moment as an opportunity to realign…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Questions & Answers
0:00:51 Should we always speak the truth? 0:09:40 How can I deal with pain and chronicle disease in a loving way? 0:23:58 How to let go of attachment? 0:40:35 How to handle my cravings? 0:53:46 How to make decisions?
Sr Lăng Nghiêm, Sr Hiến Nghiêm, Br Pháp Lưu

The Eight Consciousnesses | Neuroscience Retreat
Sr Lang Nghiem talks about the 8 consciousnesses (from the Manifestation-only School), which comprise the consciousnesses of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, touch, mind, manas and store. These consciousnesses are always in flux and flowing with countless input and output happening at each and every moment. It is called…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Happiness or Profit?
Sr Lang Ngheim talks about the different ways we can come back to the present moment. One way is to be present but caught in what is happening, the other is to be present but free. She explains and shares personal stories on how the insight of interbeing enables…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm, Sr Hiến Nghiêm

On Beauty and Paradise | Dharma Talk by Sr Lăng N
Sr Lang Nghiem starts off by telling a story about two men who find paradise only to lose it later. She leads us in exploring our own ideas of beauty and paradise and how they affect our daily life. Examining our ideas of beauty can give us insight into…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Truthful and Loving Speech
Sister Lang Nghiem teaches on the 8th, 9th and 10th Mindfulness Training, True Community and Communication, Truthful and Loving Speech, Protecting and Nourishing the Sangha respectively. Transformation of our speech and speech patterns is possible. Communication, kindness and loving speech are all trainable and we can learn to speak…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Wake Up Earth | Understanding Our Mind
Buddhism offers a model to understand our mind that is simple and effective in transforming our suffering. Each person is made up of 5 aggregates – form is our physical body, feelings or emotions, mental formations, perceptions and consciousness. Our mind is basically comprised of the five consciousnesses linked…
Sr Lăng Nghiêm
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- Dharma Rain in the Rocky Mountains – Mindfulness Bell #45 Summer 2007