Thich Nhat Hanh’s dream of an online monastery is becoming a reality. Join Plum Village monastics for virtual weekend retreats streamed live from Plum Village, France.

Plum Village would normally be preparing for a huge influx of visitors for the Summer Opening Retreat. The Brothers and Sisters have been working hard to adapt to circumstances and find new ways for people to access Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village teachings.
Following successful online retreats on mindful activism and young adult “Wake Up” communities, Plum Village is excited to open booking for two more weekend retreats this summer.
These retreats are a chance to spend time with the Plum Village monastics and a broader international community, learning mindfulness or deepening your mindfulness practice.
There will be a daily schedule of guided meditation and relaxation, exercise, live talks, and smaller deep listening circles facilitated by monastics. There will also be a range of specially curated support resources to allow you to make the most of the retreat.
There is a range of contribution options to make these online retreats as accessible as possible. Contributions also support the food, lodging, and healthcare costs of Plum Village monastics worldwide and the technical costs of offering retreats online.
“Cooling the Flames: The Art of Cultivating Calm, Compassion and Courage in Ourselves and in the World”
Friday-Sunday 10, 11, 12 July
“The Art of Awakened Living: Transforming Habits, Refreshing Relationships and Reclaiming Our Freedom”
Friday-Sunday 24, 25, 26 July
(Booking for the final retreat in this series “Love is the Way” Friday-Sunday 7, 8, 9 August, will open on July the 7th)

The retreat experience is undoubtedly different online. We were very encouraged by what people said after the first retreats were held online. Participants said a lot of things that felt the same, including:
- “The sense of loving community, the collective practice, the limitless wisdom of the monastics.”
- “The shared deep connection, the joyfulness, the inspiration, the nourishment of the practice, the feeling part of a community.”
- “Same practices, same joy, same feeling of togetherness, monastic presence.”
- “The Dharma sharing was very similar, and I felt very connected and loved.“
- “The connection, the activities, seeing monks and nuns was really appreciated and helped me much connecting with PV.”
- “The vibe.”
There were even some extra benefits:
- “What was particularly helpful is to bring the retreat spirit into my own home, making the integration into daily life easier.“
And this outcome makes us feel it is definitely worthwhile:
- “I enjoyed to feel connected with sangha members worldwide. It has given me so much more energy and will to keep practising.“
Do let your friends and family know about these retreats if you think they can benefit. We hope to be able to enjoy the present moment with you online soon!
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