Dharma Talks / A Foundation for Safety and Peace

Sr Chân Đức

In this Dharma Talk offered on Mother’s Day, Sister Chan Duc (“True Virtue”), invites us to touch our unsafe and insecure feelings, especially with all that is happening in the world today. She then shares concrete practices that can help us generate a feeling of protection. We need to feel safe for our mother, our ancestors, and our society.

0:00 Guided Sitting Meditation

18:19 Chanting: May the Day be Well, Praising the Three Jewels

28:25 Dharma Talk begins

32:00 Mother’s day: Coming Back to the Island of Peace inside of us for our mother to feel safe

43:07 How to create a feeling of protection in our present world: The Five Mindfulness Trainings as the greatest protection for ourselves, our family, and our society.

1:20:00 Thay’s poem, The “Busy-less” Heart Comes Home: coming home to the body and touching stillness in our daily life

1:47:30 Poem sung in Vietnamese

With the practice of mindfulness, we all have the opportunity to come back to an island of peace inside of us. The Five Mindfulness Trainings offer us concrete guidelines to live our daily lives in a way that brings about protection for ourselves, our family, and our society. Daily practices like the gathas (short poems that accompany our daily actions) or sitting meditation help us to unite our body and mind, touch stillness and security, and discover our true nature of interbeing. Our own peace contributes to the peace of the world.

Read more about the Five Mindfulness Trainings: https://plumvillage.org/mindfulness/t…

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