Brother Treasure
Brother Trời Bảo Tạng, also known as Brother Treasure, is from Indonesia. He was ordained by Thay in 2011, and has been a Bhikshu since 2016 and a Dharma Teacher since 2020. His openness and bright smile make him easy to approach, and he is a good friend to many monastics and lay practitioners alike. He energetically supports people in building local community, including the gender and sexual orientation diversity practice community, and wholeheartedly answers anyone’s questions about the Dharma, sharing how he applies it in his daily life. The brothers sometimes (half-) jokingly refer to him as “Brother Search Engine”, or “Venerable Ananda” (the attendant of the Buddha), for his passion and capacity in organizing Thay’s teachings. He is inspired to help make Thay’s teachings accessible and applicable for everyone, and to deepen them year after year so they may continue as a treasure for generations to come.
Dharma Talks

Going Beyond the Historical Truth
This talk was recorded on the 2nd November 2023 in New Hamlet, Plum Village (France). It is the second of our live Thursday talks of the Rains Retreat 2023 offered to our lay friend guests. 0:16: ⛩️ Our brother discusses the concept of the lay day of mindfulness, and…
Br Troi Bao Tang

Compassion in Action, True Happiness and Peace, True Love and Sexual Energy: A Monastic Q&A
This session of monastic Q&A was recorded on the 9th August 2023 in Plum Village New Hamlet. It is the third Dharma session of the Annual Wake Up retreat (mainly for young people 18 to 35 years old). The monastic Dharma Teachers in this session are Sisters Luc Nghiem…
Sr Lực Nghiêm, Sr Tại Nghiêm, Br Pháp Linh, Br Troi Bao Tang

Togetherness: the Joy of Practice
This Dharma Talk was recorded on the 5th August 2023 in Plum Village Upper Hamlet. It is the first talk of the Annual Wake Up retreat (mainly for young people 18 to 35 years old).
Br Troi Bao Tang

Presence, Ethics, and the Rewarding Challenges of Caring for Others
This session was recorded on 20th July, during our second week of the Plum Village Summer Opening retreat in 2023. Thumbnail photo credit ©Jerome Cabeen — jeromecabeenphotography.com
Br Pham Hanh, Br Troi Bao Tang, Br Pháp Kha

Direction, Aspiration, and Obstacles on the Path | A Monastic Q&A Session
This session was recorded during our first week of the Plum Village Summer Opening retreat in July 2023. Thumbnail photo credit ©Jerome Cabeen — jeromecabeenphotography.com
Br Pháp Hữu, Br Pháp Linh, Br Troi Bao Tang

Q&A: News, Enlightenment, & Pain | Brs Phap Huu, Bao Tang, Srs Thuan Nghiem, Hien Nghiem
0:00 Introduction by brother Phap Huu 2:50 How to deal with News? How to protect ourselves when we read the News and how to balance the negative energy created by the News? 12:55 How can the peace movement respond in a non-violent way to the invasion of Ukraine? 21:42…