Dharma Talks / Non-Attachment to Views

Sr Định Nghiêm

This Dharma Talk was recorded on June 3, 2024 in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village France. It is the 2nd talk of the series of talks given in the 2024 June Retreat held in Plum Village, France, with the theme: “”Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Applied Ethics.”

Sister Định Nghiêm teaches about the origin, intention and insight behind the 1st Precept of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings of the Order of Interbeing. She shares Zen stories and examples of how being in the present moment can help us recognize when our “tea cup” is full and we’re no longer open to new insights and experiences.

She also teaches how by recognizing, calming, and transforming our own suffering equips us with the openness and capacity to release or own view and embrace different views.

Sister Dinh Nghiem explains important it is to stay connected to our shared aspiration in order to arrive at harmonious consensus in spiritual communities, and that we cannot have harmony in community if we’re attached to our views.

Reflection questions:
– Are we able to recognize when we’re attached to a view?
– Can we tell when our “”tea-cup”” is full?
– Have we had an experience of being able to release a view, for example in a meeting?

— More from June Retreat 2024 | Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Applied Ethics

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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